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Quarry (A16.4 b8)


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This mod works for A16.4 b8, has not been tested on any other versions.


I made this mod for the private server that I play on and occasionally add mods on the server if the Owner or players ask for specified modifications.

I figured to release this to the public for the players that work and can't spend hours mining.




So, here is a first look of the mod.



And a second image.




Alright, now to get on with items, blocks, recipes and what it all does.


There are 37 new blocks, 24 blocks are coded as "dev" since they are upgraded automatically from the first block of each type.

A new workbench, 12 items needed to make each quarry, and 12 blocks that are the quarrys.


Each quarry has a chance of giving 0-6000 of each resource per quarry you use. The recipes require a lot of resources to be made since they would be considered a endgame items.


Compressed items are required inside the workbench to create any type of Quarry.




Workbench recipe.

  • scrapBrass - 1000
  • scrapLead - 1000
  • scrapIron - 1000
  • rockSmall - 1000
  • dirtFragment - 1000

Compressed Clay recipe.

  • clayLump - 500

Compressed Crushed Sand recipe.

  • crushedSand - 500

Compressed Brass recipe.

  • scrapBrass - 500

Compressed Lead recipe.

  • scrapLead - 500

Compressed Dirt Fragment recipe.

  • dirtFragment - 500

Compressed Iron recipe.

  • scrapIron - 500

Compressed Stone recipe.

  • rockSmall - 500

Compressed Coal recipe.

  • coal - 500

Compressed Shale recipe.

  • oilShale - 500

Compressed Nitrate recipe.

  • potassiumNitratePowder - 500

Compressed Resources recipe.

  • clayLump - 500
  • scrapBrass - 500
  • dirtFragment - 500
  • rockSmall - 500
  • oilShale - 500

QuarryPlatform Resources recipe.

  • clayLump - 6000
  • scrapBrass - 6000
  • dirtFragment - 6000
  • rockSmall - 6000
  • oilShale - 6000
  • requires Compressed Resources

Chance to get 0-6000 clayLump, scrapBrass, dirtFragment, rockSmall, and oilShale.


QuarryPlatform Clay recipe.

  • clayLump - 6000
  • requires Compressed Clay

Chance to get 0-6000 clayLump.


QuarryPlatform Sand recipe.

  • crushedSand - 6000
  • requires Compressed Crushed Sand

Chance to get 0-6000 crushedSand.


QuarryPlatform Brass recipe.

  • scrapBrass - 6000
  • requires Compressed Brass

Chance to get 0-6000 scrapBrass.


QuarryPlatform Lead recipe.

  • scrapLead - 6000
  • requires Compressed Lead

Chance to get 0-6000 scrapLead.


QuarryPlatform Dirt recipe.

  • dirtFragment - 6000
  • requires Compressed Dirt

Chance to get 0-6000 dirtFragment.


QuarryPlatform Iron recipe.

  • scrapIron - 6000
  • requires Compressed Iron

Chance to get 0-6000 scrapIron.


QuarryPlatform Stone recipe.

  • rockSmall - 6000
  • requires Compressed Stone

Chance to get 0-6000 rockSmall.


QuarryPlatform Coal recipe.

  • coal - 6000
  • requires Compressed Coal

Chance to get 0-6000 coal.


QuarryPlatform Shale recipe.

  • oilShale - 6000
  • requires Compressed Shale

Chance to get 0-6000 oilShale.


QuarryPlatform Nitrate recipe.

  • potassiumNitratePowder - 6000
  • requires Compressed Nitrate

Chance to get 0-6000 potassiumNitratePowder.


QuarryPlatform Nugget recipe.

  • scrapBrass - 10000
  • scrapLead - 10000
  • scrapIron - 10000
  • requires Compressed Resources

Chance to get 0-5 silverNugget, goldNugget, rawDiamond.



Quarry's will spawn a box on top of the platform at certain times. PlatformQuarry Resource is every 120 minutes. Clay, Sand, Brass, Lead, Dirt, Iron, Stone, Coal, Shale and Nitrate are set to spawn a box every 60 minutes. Nuggets is every 30 minutes because of a very low chance of getting any silver, gold or diamonds, it took me 24 tries before I got anything.


The code for all of this is located here at my github.


You will need to copy and paste the code in the respected files.

You also will have to replace each block and item ID's to ones that are not in-use on your 7DTD server, I have replaced each ID with "0000" that will need to be changed which is pretty much all of them.


If you do everything right, there should be no problems getting the code to work. I have tested it on my computer multiple times.






Terms of Use

If you want to use my mods in your project, all I ask is for you to ask me and to link my mods that you use to my GitHub so others know where to get them for future reference.




Update 12/27/2017:

I removed silverNuggets, goldNuggets, and rawDiamonds from all Quarrys except Nuggets to try and balance the mod out since it was giving me way too many of them.

I also increased output of loot to 2x to help out with Quarrys that are not giving loot.


This mod is based on your character level, if it is too low then you wont get a lot of loot.




Updated again 12/27/2017:

Fixed an error where Quarry spawns more loot than can be fit inside slots, added another slot to each Quarry.

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Hi guys, first thanks for the mod, I was testing it, but there was an error when I opened the box, I do not know why, I never collected resources, that mistake always appears when the box is opened, any ideas?. Change all the id of the blocks, paste each recipe, items and loot, the path of xiu is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config no? and the windows one is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config \ XUi or am I wrong? sorry I'm very beginner in this, thanks for all.

Error: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.


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This is interesting. I've played on a server with autominers and autofarmers, things that will give you loot several hours after upgrading the blocks.


But when I tried it, I'm not sure it's working right. I've had the nugget one spawn several times, and the resources crate spawn once. But when I try to loot them, I get "KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary." I have no idea what that means or what could have caused it.


Though I am curious...are the block names supposed to have spaces in them in the blocks.xml?

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Hi guys, first thanks for the mod, I was testing it, but there was an error when I opened the box, I do not know why, I never collected resources, that mistake always appears when the box is opened, any ideas?. Change all the id of the blocks, paste each recipe, items and loot, the path of xiu is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config no? and the windows one is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config \ XUi or am I wrong? sorry I'm very beginner in this, thanks for all.

Error: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.


This is interesting. I've played on a server with autominers and autofarmers, things that will give you loot several hours after upgrading the blocks.


But when I tried it, I'm not sure it's working right. I've had the nugget one spawn several times, and the resources crate spawn once. But when I try to loot them, I get "KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary." I have no idea what that means or what could have caused it.


Though I am curious...are the block names supposed to have spaces in them in the blocks.xml?


Give me a few hours and I will try to figure out what might be the problem

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Though I am curious...are the block names supposed to have spaces in them in the blocks.xml?


If I dont include the space then you would see the block name such as "PlatformQuarryResource" instead of "PlatformQuarry Resource".


the path of xiu is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config no? and the windows one is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ 7 Days To Die \ Data \ Config \ XUi


Yes, that is correct. xui.xml in Config folder and windows.xml in Xui folder.


Thanks for letting me know about the error, I have updated the loot.xml on my github, the problem should be fixed.

Enjoy the mod and if it gives you anymore trouble, let me know.

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Awesome mod!


Is there a chance to mod in power requirements? I like things overly complicated :smile-new:





I'll look into it tomorrow and see what I can do.

How much watts do you think would be required per quarry?


I was thinking maybe 20-25 since its OP on the server I play on but then again, everyone else can change loot settings.

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For some reason, on my game, the Resources and the Nuggets quarry are the only ones spawning the lootable containers. I don't know what's up with the others, but I have played almost a week in game time (days are 60 minutes real time), but they've never spawned anything.


I've noticed that they need to be played in direct sunlight.

I'm going to do some more tests and change the ratio of the silver/gold/diamond spawning.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Does anyone have issue with installing this mod ?


Im quite new to modding game (tbh first time) and once crafted quarry workbench and took it to hand game freezes with console output : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


Any idea how to fix it? Or maybe a tip how to install this properly?



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I wonder if there's a way to combine the quarry and autoseed mods? I mean, if there are enough free block ID's to configure them all to.


They should be compatible with each other.


Bazante, are you using any other mods?

I also don't reccomend anyone going to his link above..

This works with no problems on my server.

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