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Oil shale into the forge


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Hi Oreskeh,


To confirm you are putting the oil shale into the smelting area of the forge? was this by mistake? It can be used as a fuel but it burns really quickly.


But if you add it in where Iron goes etc it vanished? what were you using for fuel at the time? we have not been able to recreate it here so far, would you mind elaborating on the issue a bit more so we can try replicate closely on our end?



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  • 4 months later...

Shale Disappearance


I just had the same outcome.. Roughly 1.3k shale was put into the forge to test if that was how oil was made, and after around 3-5 seconds it simply disappeared. At the time I was using wood as fuel, no tools added to the forge, and approx. 30k stone, 8k clay, and 11k iron in surplus in the forge.. if that would make any difference... I am new, and like I said, was testing how to make oil.. it's a bit disappointing that it just disappeared, rather than not working at all, that was all my shale... Hope this can at least help to prevent a future bug/oversight by a new player :)


That being said, this game is awesome.

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Hi aweektoolong,


Can you confirm for me you put the Oil Shale in a smelting slot and which slot it was? This may not make a difference but I want to replicated what you are describing as best I can. Please also let me know what console you are on and confirm your game has the latest patch.


Thank you for reporting this happening to you also. I'm glad you are enjoying the game :) I shall pass the info onto the team.


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