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Spawned entity with wrong pos


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My dedicated server started to notify me (log below). I realized the screamers are not showing up either.

How should I proceed?



2017-07-23T05:52:13 1088.946 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:26 1102.245 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55205 pos=(-4996.1, -54698970.0, -5950.5)

2017-07-23T05:52:26 1102.246 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55205 pos=(-4996.1, -54698970.0, -5950.5)

2017-07-23T05:52:27 1102.563 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:27 1102.563 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:35 1110.464 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55205 pos=(-4996.1, -54698970.0, -5950.5)

2017-07-23T05:52:35 1110.464 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55205 pos=(-4996.1, -54698970.0, -5950.5)

2017-07-23T05:52:40 1115.388 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:40 1115.389 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:43 1118.744 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:43 1118.745 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:56 1131.853 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:52:56 1131.853 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7049063.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:53:02 1137.695 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55165 pos=(-4805.5, -83059780.0, -6127.5)

2017-07-23T05:53:02 1137.696 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55165 pos=(-4805.5, -83059780.0, -6127.5)

2017-07-23T05:53:56 1191.867 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:53:56 1191.868 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:54:03 1199.278 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:54:03 1199.279 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:54:12 1207.729 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

2017-07-23T05:54:12 1207.729 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)


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solution: new map


i try many things, like reset configuration files, take off all my blocks from the map. and.. the issue stay.



edit: The same problem again. How can I get teleported to a negative height location? When I use eg: "tp -498.5, -242023700, 1457.5" my avatar go to W/S right, but in the surface of the map.


Or, have a way to delete a object via "inworld" ID?


1207.729 WRN Entity [type=EntityLootContainer, name=, cnt=0] fell off the world, id=55207 pos=(-4994.7, -7052685.0, -5984.7)

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i see the same error, both missing screamers, sleepers and EntityLootContainer's falling off the world..

My error started after i had to delete the main.ttw file (after a bug), since then, no sleepers/screamers.

I haven't tried to generate a fresh one with same seed name and replace it yet, but this might be my next step.


Did you mess with your main.ttw file?

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we have the same logfile issue on the server too .


main.ttw file?????? say more about it .


well I don't know much about it (yet), I just noticed that i got the errors above after I deleted my main.ttw file.

My guess is that it contains the spawnpoints etc. and I will investigate further when i get back from vaccation Sunday.

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