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PC Single Player changing to Multiplayer


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Over the last 4 days, my new single player games have changed their setting to multiplayer, by themselves. Last one made it to day 3 as single player (logged off about 4 times during play), just returned and it is a multiplayer game. Two days ago same thing happened on another save, only realised when an outside player joined my game. Any suggestions - thanks

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  • 1 month later...

Having the same issue


My wife has had this same issue occur to her a couple of times. Only finding out it changed when she thought it was paused and she came back to the computer dead from starvation. I would like if someone can share a fix for this issue so we can change it back to SP or keep it from changing again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too have this Issue


It's really rather annoying and I really want to revert my save game to a SP instead of a MP. It seems that the bug may occur during a game crash (which I had one) and is caused by saving errors which change the save game to MP. Does anyone know how to revert the game? I was going for the "Nearly Immortal" Achievement on my game and since I've made it to day 7 just before the Horde on Insane difficulty without death, now I don't think it will unlock due to my game being classed as a MP now not a SP. Please help since I really don't fancy starting again when I'm this far =(.

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  • 11 months later...

Any help


Has anyone found a fix for this? I'm not sure if because it crashed and now has me as MP if I've lost everything including my base ive spent sooo many hours on.. any help you guys could give would be appreciated

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