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Xbox One house glitches......Lost everything


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So I had recently started a new world and put about 15 or so hours in maybe more.....I chose to move into a world generated house in the middle of the woods. I had quiet a few items in chest and was about ready to make my mini-bike when I decided to go on a loot run.. I went out for about 2 days or so and when I returned my house was gone and in replace was a different world generated house. I hopes it was just some glitch so I killed myself hoping i would spawn in my home. Instead I was left on a black screen. I exited the world and then re-booted it only to find I was dead inside some house. Upon responding I had lost all my loot from my run and my house with all my 20 hours of work was gone and a random house stood in its place. I even lost a 3 block tall cement wall surrounding it. It was all just gone.... please fix the glitches I'm scared to settle down again and play only for this to happen again. I don't even know where to start now. What could cause a different house to generate where mine was. I could understand my house being cut off, but totally replaced? Is this just my luck because I previously tried searching for others who this happened too and nothing came up....If anyone is curious my gamertag is ShackledTax106 and the world name was 2.

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This is a known issue with building inside of a prefab. I had 2 weeks worth of co op play with my gf just go bye bye. Lost everything in the house and I literally had everything except a mini bike since that disappeared from an earlier crash lol. My crops and fortifications outside were ok. I'm assuming it's something to do with how the game handles glitches by resetting certain parts of the map. Luckily for us Xbox One is the only platform you can not back up your saves on. I dont play on randomized maps because I heard it was worse on there. I built a huge fort over a river well away from all pre fabs and I un plug the console every time it crashes. So far so good.

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Not just prefab


A few posts I've read claim that even building away from prefabs runs the same risk. It's actually a chunk resetting not just the house. Everything inside of the chunk resets to day 1. So don't put all your eggs in one basket lol. Spread out your belongings.


Also this post is in the wrong section of the forum. In console bugs the are many posts with this issue.

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A few posts I've read claim that even building away from prefabs runs the same risk. It's actually a chunk resetting not just the house. Everything inside of the chunk resets to day 1. So don't put all your eggs in one basket lol. Spread out your belongings.


Also this post is in the wrong section of the forum. In console bugs the are many posts with this issue.


It does. I've had a chunk reset, and I was in the middle of nowhere, with everything built from scratch.

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There is a work-around to prevent this issue if you play on ps4. First turn off your auto-save function in the settings of your ps4 on this game. Also auto-upload if you have ps+. After every time you play, alternate saving your game from your system then usb drive. You need to remember to do this manually everytime you quit playing. It's only a slight hassle and worse case scenario you lose a days worth of playtime. Much better then a base wipe. You'll always have a backup save to reload with. Sorry Xbox players. It's my understanding you cannot use a usb to save alternatively. Hope this prevents some headaches.

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8 mini bikes lost on game crashes


Will there be an update to fix losing mini bikes on crashes. It'sreally annoying. I've built 8 mini bikes aand I'm down to two. Also I can't use the bikes with friends because the game will surely crash and I'll lose the bikes as well as the inventory in them.

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  • 5 months later...

This bug has been around for 4 years


My world day 116 i just stayed up all night building a end game concrete bunker just finished my build in ramp to underground garage when poof game crash which itself is a problem and as soon as i spawned back i knew what happened the game decided i had gone to far and wiped half of the base unluckily the side with all my stuff and my garage gone in its place a whole bunch of stone so 4 years of knowing the bug was there and what they do nothing to fix it? Just put out more updates of new stuff to get wiped away on the next world

Done playing this game till its fixed tired of wasting my time

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day 128 in game and decided to crash


i was on day 128 and just like normal i was putting some loot in my storage boxes from going on survival trip . and then the game decided to crash, btw playing on xbox. so i restarted the game and loaded back up my game and then the moment it was loaded up i noticed something was not wright.... :mad-new:i had my base build in the dessert in a prebuilded appartement. and everything was looking different and al of my loot storage crates where gone....... i am so mad right now this is just not fun anymore. i am not putting anymore hours in this game it's not worth when you just lost al your hard many hours for work in this game for nothing.

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  • 2 years later...

I feel the same I lost all my stuff too and I built in the middle of nowhere I kept all my items in my tool belt in my backpack but the house the chest everything gone


- - - Updated - - -


I'm starting to feel like this is Arc without the transource Rex eating all your stuff


- - - Updated - - -


Im shadydj on xbox ... send me a message if you wanna throw down

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Do you use the workaround for this problem? if not, next time the game crashes go straight to games and apps and delete your local save, then restart the game, if done right the console will need to sync the game with your cloud save. Do this every time the game crashes and you should be alright. I have been doing this for about a year now and so far had no problems.......(touches wood)

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