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Looking For Players - XB1 edition


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Looking for somebody to play with.


My names ken. 24.. Experienced player.. Advanced builder. Work great in team setting. Im a speed player. Usually i have guns by day 2 or 3 and a forge...steel tools and sometimes a minibike by the end of week 1. Ive only played alone and its getting a little lonely in my worlds so im going to start a new random gen. If anybody wants to join in my gamertag is KcRoCkS48. Send me a friend request or a msg.

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Heyyo! Looking for active players!


Hello! My gamertag is ImTheChaka, and I am currently on day 70+ and still rising. I'm looking for experienced players, and anyone who is somewhat older than at least 16. I am active everyday, just message me the time you play at and ill try to be online for you! 👌

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I am currently wanting to start fresh on classic/modern/feral pvp/pvz we can all play nice and work together sharing supplies whatever or we can be trolls and just attack anyone else. I'm game for whatever, server times will be 7am-11pm+ daily. Add me on Xbox or msg me and let's get this started


gamer tag xl natas lx

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Looking for friend or foe players


I currently have a game going that is on day 103, difficulty is survivalist. The map is on navezgane and you guys are more than welcome to join be friendly or foe. If you prefer to be a loner that's fine as well. I will leave a bundle of supplies in a isolated location so you can get a head start. My gamer tag is ninjiBDC.

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Xbox One


Xbox One : LGHAndPlay


Looking for 21+ builders and trap makers to help with Clares contest, currently using the Moderate guidelines.


Please play often and be experienced! Streaming is always possible but not during contest builds!


Mic not required but helpful, just make sure you use text chat if not.

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Serious players needed


Hello everybody, new to the stream but no stranger to 7 days to die, been playing for a while made some extreme builds but tired of playing solo or playing with random jumpers that don't stay but a few nights, looking for some mild to serious players, preferable over 18 please, I play mostly at night at don't wanna get stuck with kids, starting a new mp map and upping the difficulty, if you want to join and try to build some crazy stuff please add me my GT is the same name as here.. Thank you for your time

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