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Weapon magazines?


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I miss the magazines from older alphas of 7DTD. I'm sure there are plenty who disagree, and like the current system.


However, I have a question: Is it possible to put a magazine system in the game? I'll explain a bit more in some key points:


1. Bullets can still be found from loot and crafted

2. Craft bullets and scrap metal together to make magazines

3. Magazines can stack to a low number (20-ish)

4. Only affects weapons with clips (pistol, smg, ak, and sniper)

5. Unused bullets are given back to the player after reloading (clip could be given back as scrap?)


If somebody could do this it would be ASTRONOMICAL. I get it would be a tough task, but it would be a real treat to many of us!




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It would also be nice to get spent shell casings back. I get the general gist of how to do the magazine, its actually quite simple, would require a base mag recipe for each of the shell types, then change the weapon ammo usage to that particular mag, but, given the way the game works, you would only get the mag back, not the unused shells. But you could get shell casings back upon each shot, at least I think you could.

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