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Upon your death... new zombie.

Grog Grueslayer

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I'd like to have an option where when we die your corpse gets up and becomes a zombie. When you respawn if you want your stuff back you have to find your former self who is now a drooling zombie and kill it. It won't track your wandering corpse. It'll only show you were you died on the map. So if you take too long consider your stuff gone.
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I like this, but just to clarify, the zombie with your bag never despawns, correct? Make it a bit tougher than usual so you can't just go back and punch it a bunch of times like most zombies. Ideas -It runs away and dodges, you really have to chase it. -It calls other zombies to it's aid when you engage it. -It has a 100% chance if it hits you to infect you.
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Any backing up of the nope? The reasons for it being difficult is you shouldn't be able to safely go back and get your ♥♥♥♥ straight away, its a penalty. get friend to help, or go home get your back up kit and go shoot it, easy. But, I guess that's too many words for you nope brain.
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The difficulty could be that it wanders away with your stuff, and the only location you have is where you died, i.e. the backpack icon stays still (where you died), while the zombie gets up after a few minutes and walks off with your crap. I like it. Player models already exist, so dirtying them up a bit wouldn't be a stretch... No need for the zig-zag stuff.
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[QUOTE=Raithen;134118]I like this, but just to clarify, the zombie with your bag never despawns, correct? Make it a bit tougher than usual so you can't just go back and punch it a bunch of times like most zombies. Ideas -It runs away and dodges, you really have to chase it. -It calls other zombies to it's aid when you engage it. -It has a 100% chance if it hits you to infect you.[/QUOTE] Yeah it shouldn't despawn. Consider it a chest that wanders. Like Guppycur mentioned the fact that you don't know where your wandering corpse is should be hard enough to get back without making it a harder to kill. Your former corpse(s) might be lost for several months and you run into them by accident... finally retrieving your forgotten stuff. LarsingeM, I find it funny and cool at the same time. Look at our current games... how many times have we died and how many potential new zombies would that add to the world?
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It could even start a horde; the fresher smelling zombie would start to attract the others, and they'd eventually make their way back to your deathspot, because the lead zombie (you) would be drawn to it. I don't know, but I do like the idea as a whole. Whatever back story there is, it would be fun to run across yourself.
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