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RWG World Tags


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I use a lot of Parts. When it comes to making Tile Content (and sometimes POI Content) it would be handy to know a player's preferences when it comes to world generation. Those preferences could be expressed as Tags. That's probably unclear, so here's an example:


Imagine a Tile (rwg_tile_gateway_intersection_24) and a Part (part_minefield_01). I can place the Part on the Tile and give it a 10% chance of appearing. They would occur infrequently enough that it might catch a player sleeping, which is part of the fun, assuming the player wanted a more-deadly world. But some players don't want that kind of risk.


If during RWG execution, a player could select certain attributes such as "mines", then RWG could allow Parts with a "mines" tag to be placed.


Admittedly, this is perhaps backwards from how tags normally work as they are otherwise required, so maybe these would be "world tags" separate from "tags"?


Perhaps such world tags could be used to influence the execution of MinScripts? I'm mostly just spit-balling here.

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3 hours ago, zztong said:

I use a lot of Parts. When it comes to making Tile Content (and sometimes POI Content) it would be handy to know a player's preferences when it comes to world generation. Those preferences could be expressed as Tags. That's probably unclear, so here's an example:


Imagine a Tile (rwg_tile_gateway_intersection_24) and a Part (part_minefield_01). I can place the Part on the Tile and give it a 10% chance of appearing. They would occur infrequently enough that it might catch a player sleeping, which is part of the fun, assuming the player wanted a more-deadly world. But some players don't want that kind of risk.


If during RWG execution, a player could select certain attributes such as "mines", then RWG could allow Parts with a "mines" tag to be placed.


Admittedly, this is perhaps backwards from how tags normally work as they are otherwise required, so maybe these would be "world tags" separate from "tags"?


Perhaps such world tags could be used to influence the execution of MinScripts? I'm mostly just spit-balling here.

That sounds like an interesting idea.  But I can see it becoming unwieldy if a lot of POI designers set up a lot of different tags.  If it's only a handful of tags, it would work well.  But if each POI designer ends up with half a dozen tags they want to use that are unique to their needs/wants, then you end up with a lot of tags to choose from when making a map.  I think there would need to be some way to handle that to avoid having 100 tags or more to choose from when using a lot of different custom POI.  I'm just imagining how quickly that could potentially add up for people using CP or PEP, for example.  Of course, it depends on what the POI designers want to do and maybe most will not want to bother with tags like that.  If that's the case, it wouldn't be an issue.


It would be a great option if a way could be found to avoid that problem.  Maybe even something Teragon could do if TFP isn't interested in it for RWG.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Riamus said:

But I can see it becoming unwieldy if a lot of POI designers set up a lot of different tags.


The idea is half-baked.


True, if the tagging were open-ended we could exhaust the maximum number of tags. That's possible today with tags, though few POI designers seem to be making POI tags. I think I've made around three.


I also don't like that it works backwards from other tags. That is it signals an exclusion instead of an inclusion, but tagging 99% of the Parts with "nomines" would be a pain.

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1 hour ago, zztong said:


The idea is half-baked.


True, if the tagging were open-ended we could exhaust the maximum number of tags. That's possible today with tags, though few POI designers seem to be making POI tags. I think I've made around three.


I also don't like that it works backwards from other tags. That is it signals an exclusion instead of an inclusion, but tagging 99% of the Parts with "nomines" would be a pain.

Right.  Having a separate tag system like you said of "worldtags" or whatever would let it be reversed without being confusing.  Maybe most wouldn't use it and it wouldn't get cumbersome.  I definitely like the option as a way to give players some control over POI.  I'd suggest it to Pille for Teragon, but I know POI designers aren't going to want to add some special tag that doesn't work anywhere except in Teragon.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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