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(V1) Preppocalypse


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Hi there. I've loaded up this mod with v1.0 7 Days and have started a generated map. I note that I can't get into birds nests.. there's no option to loot them.

What am I missing? Thanks for any tips.


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This has been reported a few times and it is typically related to a conflicting mod, incomplete installation, or some kind of file mismatch. Sharing a log on pastebin will help a lot to show what’s occurring as things load up.

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ok cool. I've not used that before but I found a couple of log files and put them up there:


gamelog - Pastebin.com


playerlog - Pastebin.com


I used the Mod Launcher by SphereII to copy the game, load the mod and I also loaded the SCore Mod through the Modlets button as it suggested in the game details.


I generated a 10k world and at the moment I've just got to the trader and am still trying to pick up nests.


I'll avoid playing until I hear back in case I need to redo it.

Thanks for checking!

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Ahhh. There are a fair amount of other mods included and a fair number are for A21. Some will also make block changes and possibly cause conflict. 

For example A21-OldWestMigration. The V1.0 version is already added to Preppocalypse and the A21 POIs are not compatible. The blocks mod for A21 looks rather ominous as well. It’s helpful to ensure everything is the V1.0 version for compatibility. 

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I'm not sure how to deal with that? All I did was use the launcher to install the overhaul and run the game. It shows up in the list of overhauls for 1.0 and all you do is click the button to get a copy of 1.0 and install the mod on it... is it maybe broken in the mod launcher, or is there a better way to set it up that doesn't load those things?

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The Mod Launcher is loading directly from within its own Mods folder.

There are also mods stored in the 'C:\Users\rober\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Mods' area and they are also being loaded.

It will help to totally purge that folder of all files.

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oh ok, yes I see them in there. I guess they're from all the old version I played. I would have thought that the launcher would put them in with the copy of the game, not in the original.


In any case, I'll delete them all and load this up again, thanks!


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Yes. The Mod Launcher is slowly being updated for V1.0. It is very functional, but there are just a few more things to iron out. By default, it scans certain default folders. There is possibly a way to change how it loads things when launching a mod to avoid that, but it's not something I have much experience with and best worked through in the ML Discord. Wiping the folders should be all good. I also use the 0-Score Mod with Preppocalypse and load it on the right side area when in the Preppocalypse page. That ensures it doesn't get wiped for any updates.


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Thanks for this and the screenshot.


First I wiped everything, and then I set the game to the latest beta in Steam. I did this because I read all the posts in this thread and saw it fixed a bug.

Then I got the latest mod launcher which looks the same as yours.

Then I told it to load Preppocalypse, which it did. 

Then I went to the modlets page and let it download the list. I selected 0-SCore but it doesn't download.

So then I found the modlet on Github and put the 0-SCore folder into C:\7D2D\v1\Preppocalypse_(V1.0)\Preppocalypse_(V1.0)\Mods

That one shows up in the launcher and so I activate it for the game.


At this point my screen looks exactly like your screenshot.


Then launch the game and generate a new map.

Then I start the game. 

The log on screen has plenty of red lines during the load.

But when it gets to where I click Spawn, it just turns into an endless scrolling list of the same error. The only way I can get out is to kill the game in the task manager.


Pastebin wouldn't let me upload the gamelog so I've put a copy of the file here on my S3:


And here's the screenshot that was also in the log folder:




I should point out that I have been playing 7 Days mods for years, but not yet any on v1.0. This is the first one I've tried.


Any further ideas are appreciated.


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That's correct. The 0-Score suggests Loaded Mod: 0-SCore_sphereii (

That is the version for A21.2.


The version for V1.0 can be found here.



Looking at the screenshot you shared shows Preppocalypse installed on the left side, and also on the right side below as part of the 'Included Modlets' area. If it's possible to purge that being listed, it will avoid any potential duplication.

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And there we go.. finally in the game!


No idea how Preppocalypse found its way to the right side. I really followed the exact steps I listed. But in any case, I wiped everything again and started over, but with the correct 0-SCore in there. Now it all works.


So, now I'll get into the game and have some fun. Thanks for sorting this all out!


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Here is an update for Preppocalypse:-


One has a Warning attached to it and requires preparation before installing on an existing save.


1. Replacing Swiss Vetterli Boe with Swiss Vetterli Wight

Swiss Vetterli Boe is a special Prepper Zombie who carries the Swiss Vetterli Rifle. He has a custom elimination quest and appears in the Biomes, POIs, and Horde Night.


In A20, he functioned appropriately. In A21, when at a distance of 10 blocks or further his weapon would not show. In V1.0 this is further exacerbated and his weapon very rarely shows, regardless of distance. This can cause some frustration (as has been observed in a recent Twitch chat). However, replacing him could also cause some frustration for players on existing saves. The hope was that V1.0 would have restored functionality, but that is clearly not the case. Since V1.0 is part of the Gold Release roadmap, it is prudent to replace him with another entity who has no visual issues from range.


Swiss Vetterli Boe has been replaced by Swiss Vetterli Wight in all instances, except for the Sleeper Volume Groups for POIs.

Swiss Vetterli Wight replaces the icon and description for all instances of Boe. However, his health and XP remain the same since Wight is tough... Swiss Vetterli Wight also takes the height scale of 1.0 (given 1.1 in default) to distinguish him better.


WARNING:- It is essential that you remove all Notes and Quests assigned to Swiss Vetterli Boe from your current inventory and quest list. This will remove any conflict.


This has been tested on a dedicated server for an existing save, with prior removal, and all checks out just fine.


Farewell Swiss Vetterli Boe. You had some real character about you, but visual for your weapon were too rare and caused 'panic' to be shot at without context.



Hello Swiss Vetterli Wight and Rad Variant. This image is from about 50 blocks away before they despawn into the chunk, and his weapon is clearly visible.



The Swiss Vetterli will remain visible until the corpse despawns or is butchered for resources (including a chance for a few .44 rounds).



2. Jerky and Eggs

A new recipe to give the Prepper Jerky a small expansion comes in the form of Jerky and Eggs.

Prepper Jerky was also given a reduced recipe requirement of 10 Raw Meat to 5 Raw Meat to match V1.0 values. Raw Meat recipes also hook into Master Chef with Raw Meat requirements reducing with Skill Perk value. This is a locked recipe, with the same Level as Bacon and Eggs, so nothing strenuous. It's nutritional values are proportional to its ingredients, and it carries that 1% Cure Infection buff.



3. Children of the LumuNaughty POI.

There were a few POI updates pushed, as well as a new T5 POI for the Wilderness with an abundance of Special Prepper type Boss entities.


Just a few images as a taster... as so you know to stay away until fully prepared as it has upwards of 200 entities to eliminate.





There is a new Sleeper Volume state for POIs that allows zombies to be in a 'Wander' state.
This new state has been put to effect on the LumuNaughty Ice Rink. ^^



Since this update has the potential for a missing item and quest (Swiss Vetterli Boe) only update if you follow the open instructions. In addition, make a Back Up of your save just in case you need to Roll Back. This was tested on a dedicated server without any issues for just Preppocalypse and 0-Score, but there are no guarantees since we all set up differently.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


1. Machete Armor Piercing Mod

The armored rad type normal zombies, such as soldiers, bikers, and utility workers, are pretty tanky in V1.0. By association, the Preppo Boss types are even tankier since they have all the armor and even greater HP. This new mod for the Machete will provide an Armor Piercing optional mod which can help soften them up. The Machete has been given greater gains from A21 to V1.0 and this adds a further gain to offset the +25% increase in HP for rad types from A21 to V1.0.


This image show the mod is simply a duplication of the Machete, but with a more pointed tip and pronounced knuckles area for context.



The Mod and Mod Schematic can be found in Loot as the Mod, and at the Traders as a Mod or Schematic with a better showing at their specialist Trader.






A Q5 Machete with no Skill Points or Mods damaged a Feral Soldier from 799 HP to 772 HP with a basic primary hit (27 damage and shows the armor feature of the soldier).

A Q5 Machete with no Skill Points and a Machete Armor Piercing Mod damaged a Feral Soldier from 696 HP to 641 HP with a basic primary hit (55 damage and shows the reduction of armor benefit due to the Mod).


With Skill Perks, Book Perks, Attribute Head Shot gains, and other buffs, the Machete with the Rad Mod and Armor Piercing Mod makes a very useful weapon during Preppocalypse Soldier Horde Night waves or when facing Soldier type POI groups for players sticking with their knives. A version has also been added to Outback Roadies.

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21 hours ago, arramus said:

@flatlander is currently live streaming for anyone interested.


Things have moved from early stage to lower middle stage and it shows how the dynamics are changing.


Thank you for the shoutout. The special shooting zombies are becoming increasingly frequent in regular POIs and change the way I am approaching the exploration. I may be wrong, but their guns seem to  increase heat, I had a screamer show up while I was using sparingly a silenced pistol.

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Yes. As we see more regular radiated zombies, it will increase the amount of special zombies.

They shouldn't be creating heat though as they are not really hooked up into any weapon heat. It's all just visual.
However, the pistol is increasing heat more in V1.0. It only takes a few shots to trigger a chance for a screamer.
The silencer reduces the chance for zombies to be alert, but it doesn't appear to change screamer heat.

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Here is an update for Preppocalypse:


1. Prepper Stockpile - Part 6

With the introduction of Silver Magnum ammo in A21, and the expectation for the change to the Dire Wolf, Prepper Stockpile - Part 6 takes Prepper Survivors from Part 5 Defence to Part 6 Hunting. It is a 5 stage quest just as with other parts, with the final stage requiring the elimination of Mini, Regular, and Dire Fire Wolves. It is a requirement that the player is using the Swiss Vetterli to complete the elimination, otherwise it will not register. Using the Silver Ammo is highly advisable for the Dire Fire Wolves.


For players who have already completed all of the Prepper Stockpile Quests, it is possible to find Part 6 as a Note in Creative Menu.



The Dire Wolves appear in different biomes at different times for their different size types.



2. Bub's Gun Range POI

From time to time comments are raised about the validity of zombies being able to use guns. Sure, it's a subjective topic.
In the film Day of the Dead (1985), written and directed by George A. Romero, a group of survivors are sheltering in an underground bunker. One of the survivors, Dr. Logan, is attempting to domesticate zombies through training and conditioning, which can also include surgical procedures. Bub is one of his test subjects. Bub displays more cognitive awareness than your regular zombie, which includes the ability to use a weapon. It is considered Bub has a military background based on his conditioned salute when in the presence of military personnel. Allowing some 7D2D zombies to use weapons, reflects this trait. If it's good enough for George A. Romero, considered a major voice in modern zombie culture, then it is good enough for Preppocalypse.


As a tribute to the concept of the Bub zombie, and to provide context to certain zombies using weapons, Bub's Gun Range is added to the Old West. It is a conversion and contraction of the default gun store, but retains the main features. For your safety, please be aware that it hosts special zombies.





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17 hours ago, arramus said:

2. Bub's Gun Range POI

From time to time comments are raised about the validity of zombies being able to use guns. Sure, it's a subjective topic.
In the film Day of the Dead (1985), written and directed by George A. Romero, a group of survivors are sheltering in an underground bunker. One of the survivors, Dr. Logan, is attempting to domesticate zombies through training and conditioning, which can also include surgical procedures. Bub is one of his test subjects. Bub displays more cognitive awareness than your regular zombie, which includes the ability to use a weapon. It is considered Bub has a military background based on his conditioned salute when in the presence of military personnel. Allowing some 7D2D zombies to use weapons, reflects this trait. If it's good enough for George A. Romero, considered a major voice in modern zombie culture, then it is good enough for Preppocalypse.


As a tribute to the concept of the Bub zombie, and to provide context to certain zombies using weapons, Bub's Gun Range is added to the Old West. It is a conversion and contraction of the default gun store, but retains the main features. For your safety, please be aware that it hosts special zombies.






In "Land of the Dead" (2005), also by George A Romero, there are also zombies using weapons. Yes, I know, it is not the best movie in the saga, but I still enjoy it and you have people such as John Leguizamo, Dennis Hopper or Asia Argento in it.

Again, good for Romero to have zombies using weapons, good for me too 😊.


Keep up the super good work arramus! 💜

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Hello I am new to this mod and I've been addictingly playing it over the past week, I have so many questions but the main one I have right now is. Can anyone help me identify what this is ? he takes NO damage at all, it's like a mutant deer with a zombie riding it? 



On 9/14/2024 at 12:52 AM, arramus said:

Here is an update for Preppocalypse:


1. Prepper Stockpile - Part 6

With the introduction of Silver Magnum ammo in A21, and the expectation for the change to the Dire Wolf, Prepper Stockpile - Part 6 takes Prepper Survivors from Part 5 Defence to Part 6 Hunting. It is a 5 stage quest just as with other parts, with the final stage requiring the elimination of Mini, Regular, and Dire Fire Wolves. It is a requirement that the player is using the Swiss Vetterli to complete the elimination, otherwise it will not register. Using the Silver Ammo is highly advisable for the Dire Fire Wolves.


For players who have already completed all of the Prepper Stockpile Quests, it is possible to find Part 6 as a Note in Creative Menu.



The Dire Wolves appear in different biomes at different times for their different size types.



2. Bub's Gun Range POI

From time to time comments are raised about the validity of zombies being able to use guns. Sure, it's a subjective topic.
In the film Day of the Dead (1985), written and directed by George A. Romero, a group of survivors are sheltering in an underground bunker. One of the survivors, Dr. Logan, is attempting to domesticate zombies through training and conditioning, which can also include surgical procedures. Bub is one of his test subjects. Bub displays more cognitive awareness than your regular zombie, which includes the ability to use a weapon. It is considered Bub has a military background based on his conditioned salute when in the presence of military personnel. Allowing some 7D2D zombies to use weapons, reflects this trait. If it's good enough for George A. Romero, considered a major voice in modern zombie culture, then it is good enough for Preppocalypse.


As a tribute to the concept of the Bub zombie, and to provide context to certain zombies using weapons, Bub's Gun Range is added to the Old West. It is a conversion and contraction of the default gun store, but retains the main features. For your safety, please be aware that it hosts special zombies.







Hello, can you tell me how we get a hold of you outside of these fourms? Are you in discord? Also do you update the mod frequently? 

Can anyone tell me why I have an invincible mutant Deer in my game that has a zombie riding on it's back with a light mod on it? I don't get it, am I doing something wrong here? 

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This is the official posting for Preppocalypse since it allows all posts to be visible and searchable. Preppocalypse doesn't have its own specific Discord.
Preppocalypse is updated for bug reports, new features such as POIs, or pending features such as the Prepper Quests Part 6 and the recent machete mod.

The Mod Launcher drop down shows a comprehensive history of all of the updates, with a description of what was added and what was changed.

They are added in here as well, but small bug updates are not always posted about as they are nothing critical and change configuration features.


That entity is a Paindeer. The steel axe through its head gives that part of its body a high damage modifier against head shots.
Shooting it in any other part of the body will register hits more effectively. Taking it on from the side as in the image would generally register its elimination quite rapidly.

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10 minutes ago, arramus said:

This is the official posting for Preppocalypse since it allows all posts to be visible and searchable. Preppocalypse doesn't have its own specific Discord.
Preppocalypse is updated for bug reports, new features such as POIs, or pending features such as the Prepper Quests Part 6 and the recent machete mod.

The Mod Launcher drop down shows a comprehensive history of all of the updates, with a description of what was added and what was changed.

They are added in here as well, but small bug updates are not always posted about as they are nothing critical and change configuration features.


That entity is a Paindeer. The steel axe through its head gives that part of its body a high damage modifier against head shots.
Shooting it in any other part of the body will register hits more effectively. Taking it on from the side as in the image would generally register its elimination quite rapidly.




Thanks for the clarification, I've ammo dumped a ton into it and it just feels like it's indestructible. I just needed to know it was actually killable. 

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