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Electric shock stacking?

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Hmm, haven't checked; from memory I would assume the baton will refresh a stun as long as it charges fast enough. And I do think they're probably the same effect (don't ask me why, I honestly couldn't say).


Sounds like an easy enough test, though.

- set up a functional fence (cm, 'u' for items)

- and a baton while there

- god mode, spawn couple mobs (dm .. g? iddqd?, F6)

- numpad 0 to show zed stats, check how much damage the fence does (maybe set up a trigger to pulse the fence to get a per-activate number), compare to baton alone, and then a sum of both.


I might even give it a go if wasn't already awake for 24 hours at this point ... :)

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Well, since no-one else took the bait, I went and tested a bit. Full test notes in spoiler, but I don't think you want to bother... :)



Default settings (so some damage modifiers do apply... damn)

Arlene one, one-taps from a fence (fast double hit on a switch)
24 points per tap


Hawaiian one,
377-353-329- looks the same 24 points per tap


baton on same tourist:
uncharged swing (body)
38 points per melee hit

charged swing
62 .. 38+24 = 62, looks rather linearly added.

fresh fat on the bbq(, a rad nearby to charge the baton from)
charged swing into a fence one-tap:
324-262 = 38+24 .. no refresh (nor stack) from baton to fence


fence one-tap into a charged swing:
262-188 = 74 = 62+12! Twelve points extra
188-120 = 68 = 62+6! Six points extra - tried to be a bit faster from switch to swing, looked like a couple 3 point ticks
120-46 = 74 = 62+12 (was slower, should really trap the lard..)


fresh fat, waiting a bit from switch to swing:
334-248 = 86 = 62 + 24 .. the zed looked shocked the entire time, but I may have managed to chain the events
that fat fell off the bbq, fresh fat, same deal:
392-315 = 77 = 62 + 15 .. feels about right.

Hitting a fence-shocked zed does give a new timer for the zap (but will lose rest of the ongoing fence damage)


Fence didn't seem to zap a baton-zapped zed, giving that couple more tries:
waiting a while before activating fence-tap.
315-253 = 62
253-191 = 62
191-129 = 62
Doesn't look the fence will hit a zed already zapped
129 - 0 ... let it sizzle!


After all that, the fence posts had not taken any damage..? Damage mechanic on a different timer? Random event and I got real lucky? Hmm... might have spawned more testing 😃 


In conclusion:
It looks like you can apply a new dot (and stun) from baton, but a fence won't hit a stunned zed. If using the baton on a fence-zapped zed, you'll lose some of the (fence) damage, but it's not like you just want to watch them sizzle, is it? ... Is it? :D

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