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What to do if a save is lost under unfortunate circumstances

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Backup Mod will save you time and nerves
For the future, the backup mod will allow you to save a copy of your world in a separate folder specified by you. A very useful mod, it will save you from unexpected surprises more than once.

Link to the jump - https://7daystodiemods.com/backup-mod/
Or just type the backup mod into your browser's search engine, or it won't be there.

  • ‘backup‘ – perform a forceful backup
  • ‘backup info‘ – show the current configuration of the mod
  • ‘backup list‘ – show all available backups
  • ‘backup restore‘ – restore a save from a backup
  • ‘backup delete‘ – delete a backup
  • ‘backup start‘ – start an AutoBackup process (even if disabled in settings.json)
  • ‘backup stop‘ – stop the current AutoBackup process


The easiest way to recover

If your world is not displayed in the save selection menu, then this is not the end.
Follow this path - C:\Users\(Your name)\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\
Once you open the Saves folder, it should be noted that the folder should be selected depending on which map you played. That is, if you played on Navezgen, then open the Navezgen folder accordingly.
Next is a list of worlds created on this map. If you found the name of your world in the folder, then you can say that you have already restored the world.

Go back to the game and create a new world with the map on which you lost the save. As soon as you create it, exit it.

Next, follow the same path as before, and go to the folder of the newly created world.
There you need to find a file named - main.ttw and main.ttw.bak.
Copy the main file.ttw from a new world, and we transfer it to our own world with file replacement.
If desired, you can copy main.ttw.bak, but when checking, I found out that it essentially does not change anything if it is together with main.ttw.bak.
After you have transferred the file to your world, try to log in to it. With great probability, the world will be displayed in the main menu, and you can log in.


!If you're wondering what kind of file it is!
As I understand it, main.ttw and main.ttw.bak are files of a backup of the world, that is, a backup copy of it. I can't say that, it's just information received from logs.


If the first method did not save the situation...

If the first method did not correct the situation, then we resort to another method.
It should be noted that this method is worse than the previous one in that it will cause a little discomfort, in the form of trees with one unit of health, which may slightly complicate the game. But those who are for the ecology of the world can rejoice.
So, we go all along the same path as in the previous method -
C:\Users \(Username)\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves
We select the map depending on where we lost the world, and go to the folder of the new world that we created in the previous method. Next, copy the following files -

  • We copy the power files if you had electricity.
  • We copy the vehicles files if you had a vehicle.

And we insert files into our world with replacement.

We go in and check it out.

Where did the transport and the drone go? Why the first day? We are correcting it!
When entering the resurrected world, it may happen that the transport is not displayed on the compass, and the day is set to the first. In this case, we need to open the console via f1 and register the dm command, this is the debug menu. Next, we write the - LE command in the console, it will show all creatures, including the transport with the drone.


In this line, we are looking for a vehicle, that is, a transport, or a drone, depending on what you are looking for.

We need a line with pos, from there we look at the coordinates, and write the following command - teleport X Y (Where X and Y put the value specified in your console, without commas and tenths) and press Enter, if you did everything correctly, you will get to your goal.
If you still did not find it through the LE command, then from the place where you appeared, you need to walk preferably half a kilometer in the direction you were going.


How do I get my day back?
If you do not remember what day it was at the time of the crash, then you can find its approximate value, you need to go to the tasks tab, and select the last task taken from the merchant, and look in the lower right corner, there will be the day and time of taking the task.

(The photo is just an example of where the necessary information may be)
Getting your day back is easier than difficult. We write the dm command, if we haven't written it before, and press escape, and we see a panel with the gods' toolkit on the right. We see the desired slider, and set the desired day

The manual was originally compiled on Steam in Russian, but it would be nice to duplicate it here. If you still have questions, then be sure to ask, I will try to answer them. I will be glad if you look at the source code - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3139510714


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