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Simple Block Request(s)

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I'm not very good at using forums, to be honest, so I really hope I'm not reposting something someone else has already requested.


I love to build in this game and have created multiple RNG maps just to be able to create new buildings and bases. I've even recreated one of the villas from AC: Odyssey, which was a fun challenge. As a habitual builder, I have come across a few issues with designing where I needed a certain block but couldn't find it in what's available on the base game. I don't use much in the way of mods, and never use them for building.


The one request I have today is for a cube block that would fit the narrowest end of the 3m Tunnel Inside Corner block when it's inverted. While I know that there is the 3m Tunnel Inside Center block, I am thinking more of that same size block but without any curves, just a straight-sided cube to match the same dimensions. The reason I request this is that I love the look of using the 3m Tunnel Inside Corner as a corner-point in creating a vaulted ceiling look, but there is no straight-edged cube to extend the corner down to the floor/ground.


This is just one block request of a handful I hope to submit, I just can't recall the other ones I thought of at the moment.

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Any chance you could post an image?  I've done a 5m (I think that was it) vaulted ceiling and it has all the pieces for it.  I thought 3m did as well.  But I can't picture which piece is missing by your description.

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2 hours ago, Dread_Pooka said:

Here's a link to the imgur images. The first shows the block placed and the second just shows which block it is in the list. https://imgur.com/a/vJWaw6z

Ah, okay.  I didn't realize you were talking about in the corner.  Yeah, that looks like one of those odd sized blocks that make doing anything with it other than the one specific thing it was designed for almost impossible.  That curved block you mentioned is probably your only real option with what's available right now.  Of course, stacking those to the floor would look weird.  Hopefully they will consider adding a new block for this for you and others to use.  Otherwise, you'd probably have to make a custom block or have someone else make one for you.

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5 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Could you draw a picture or create what you are referring with the missing space?

Unless I'm mistaken, they are looking for the same block shape as a 1/4 Cube, but with the correct dimensions to match the upside down 3m Tunnel Inside Corner.  That square edge on the 3m Tunnel Inside Corner is not the same size as a 1/4 Cube or a Post, so if you use those, you'll end up with a visible "lip" where the two meet.  So something the same dimensions as small square edge and 1m tall so that that small square edge can be made into a "post/pillar" all the way to the floor.


In that screenshot posted above, that reddish block would have another block below it that continues the shape down to the ground.  That's currently not possible except with a single shape that has a curved look to it because it's meant for doing a tunnel rather than a straight post.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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