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view distance and big mountain


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One issue with view distance, is that higher settings require much more system resources because of having to load more of the world. While this isnt much of an issue for high end gaming rigs, you average PC will have issues with long view distances. i remember this was an issue in minecraft for me on my old PC. Setting the view distance to the highest setting would bog down the game badly. I would expect something similar to happen with 7DTD if larger view distances were introduced. I'm not saying don't add the feature, because it may work for some people. Just letting you know of the potential issues with what you are requesting.
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Yeah, you're not likely to see draw distance increase until optimisation, and that isn't likely until the beta release. My 4.0GHz 8 core was maxing out while I was in god mode testing out custom prefabs in random gen in Alpha 9.1. It was struggling to keep up with movement. Because its using all 8 cores that's a combined processing power of 32GHz. I'd hate to think what it would've been like on my old 3.2GHz dual core.
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[QUOTE=pharen;132770]Yeah, you're not likely to see draw distance increase until optimisation, and that isn't likely until the beta release. My 4.0GHz 8 core was maxing out while I was in god mode testing out custom prefabs in random gen in Alpha 9.1. It was struggling to keep up with movement. Because its using all 8 cores that's a combined processing power of 32GHz. I'd hate to think what it would've been like on my old 3.2GHz dual core.[/QUOTE] I think that has more to do with graphics card load than CPU. Are you using a 32bit system? What's your graphics card?
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It's got nothing to do with the graphics card. My computer does have an old R7 250G, just because I was impatient and wanted my new system ASAP and didn't want to save up for a R9. But my flatmate has a GTX780 and my world loads a lot faster than his because he has a quad core Intel VS my Eight core AMD of the same clock speed.
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