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On screen warning-countdown for crossing the "failure" boarder during quests


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When you're being chased during a quest and you get too close to the failure-boarder the red outline doesn't really help because it starts to show up when you're too close to it and once you cross it you instantly fail.


Could we get a countdown like when you go out of bounds in Call of Duty?

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I would really like something like this because I can't tell you how many times I've done a Fetch/Clear quest, finish the Clear part and forget about the Fetch part.  Driving away, happy with my success, only to suddenly see the red failure border too late.  Some kind of warning or timer would be great.

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Heh.  I've seen this mentioned before and yet I still have never seen this warning border thing and have failed quests because I didn't realize I was leaving the area or forgot to grab the satchel.  The giant popup when you go onto a POI was pointless but they could have done something like that when leaving the quest area if the quest is incomplete and it would actually have been worth having some giant thing on your screen.

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