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Shooting from vehicles as passenger?


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I tried searching the forum and didn't immediately see this as a suggestion, although I'm almost sure someone must have suggested it at some point...

In other FPS games, like the Tom Clancy titles, you can shoot from a moving vehicle as a passenger. This would be a great addition to the vehicle system for 7 Days. I highly doubt it could be modded in since you'd have to factor things like the camera position and range of motion from each seated position in the vehicle, and possibly a custom hotbar for vehicle use that only allows ranged weapons or flashlights. From an outsider's perspective (with experience in game dev middleware tools) this seems like a doable task, but without any knowledge of how 7 Days was coded I can't say whether it's feasible on the game's codebase. Still, it would be a really cool addition to the game and provide more immersion for the multiplayer experience.

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I know it has been suggested many times.  It has been a while since I've seen a dev response and I forget what they had said about it.  I don't think they said they planned to add that, though I may be remembering incorrectly since it has been so long.


It would be nice to have, though.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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Just now, Riamus said:

I know it has been suggested many times.  It has been a while since I've seen a dev response and I forget what they had said about it.  I don't think they said they planned to add that, though I may be remembering incorrectly since it has been so long.

I assumed as much, everyone on my community server has at one point or another mentioned how they wished they had this feature.... so I thought I'd suggest it anyhow. :)

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