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A21.2 Twitch Integration - trying to make a safe-zone spawnable entity


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i been fighting with this for about a week now. i can get regular spawns to work but I'm trying to get non-violent entities (deer for now) to spawn inside

a safe zone. I know it can happen because votes can spawn in safe zones but trying to get a regular command to do it isn't working.  The only thing I can

find is gameevents.xml has a "spawn_safe" but it doesn't respond. I've looked at the code for some of the boss votes and tried various ways to pop it in.

Outside of a safe zone it works fine. Anyone got a suggestion on how to get it to work? I put the XML i'm trying to use below.


    <action_sequence name="deerhunt">

        <property name="action_type" value="TwitchAction" />
        <action class="GetNearbyPoint">
                <property name="phase" value="0" />
                <requirement class="InSafeZone">
                    <property name="safe_spawn" value="true" />
        <action class="SpawnEntity">
            <property name="phase" value="1" />    
            <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" />
            <property name="spawn_count" value="1" />
            <property name="air_spawn" value="false" />
            <property name="spawn_type" value="Position" />

        <action class="SpawnEntity">
            <property name="phase" value="2" />    
            <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" />
            <property name="spawn_count" value="1" />
            <requirement class="Gamestage">
                <property name="operation" value="GTE" />
                <property name="game_stage" value="40" param1="gamestage1" />

        <action class="SpawnEntity">
            <property name="phase" value="3" />    
            <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" />
            <property name="spawn_count" value="1" />
            <requirement class="Gamestage">
                <property name="operation" value="GTE" />
                <property name="game_stage" value="100" param1="gamestage2" />
        <action class="PlaySound">
            <property name="sound" value="stagpain" param1="alertsound" />
            <property name="phase" value="4" />


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