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Weird thing happened


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Can a game save become somehow corrupted so that it affects FPS?


I was on day 58, driving through the pine forest on my motorcycle when all of a sudden it was like I hit an invisible wall and I bounced back.  Trying to go forward again, it happened again to where I'm floating in the air, then finally came back to the ground.  I proceed again and then it happens again and again and again.  By this time the game was unplayable because it was a slide show.  I hit F8 to see FPS and it was at about 3.


So I quit the game and restarted.  Same thing.  Then I quit the game, rebooted my PC, and restarted the game.  Same thing.  Finally, I started a new game to see if I'd get the same thing but it was fine.  I then went back to the troubled one and I was still getting only about 3 FPS.  Obviously unplayable so that play though was done.


It seems something happened to a file(s) somehow to make this happen.  Has anybody else ever experienced this?

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