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Learn by doing/reading/leveling can be merged.


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When level gates were introduced in vanilla, it was an even bigger @%$#storm than removing waterjars. So cool cool if DF masochists like it, it will not be accepted my the "normal" players.


Let mods be mods. Play them if you like. But stop the evangilism that its the "only good way (for the game bla bla)". Just go to the mod thread and give praise and halleluja but stop dragging vanilla into that.

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I posted this in my Steam review of the game - the devs treat the updates as though this is an MMORPG. Their updates rarely add to the game, but instead remove and replace features. This makes it virtually impossible to pick and choose what you like and how you want to play the game, since it all vanishes after a few updates and the core foundation of the game changes every few months. 

I do agree that I wanted this game to be the apocalyptic, open world, RPG, zombie survival game with a huge crafting system, that was promised. Once they started introducing "other survivors" in the form of traders and even the starting note you have in your inventory to the game, I felt betrayed. Then the zombies started turning into Resident Evil creatures, and resembled zombies less and less at higher stages. Then they trimmed down the crafting portions so you no longer had to mine and craft most of the resources yourself as you could run quests for all the essentials. Then they watered down the RPG elements of crafting and character progression and skills by awarding you recipes as you leveled up. Then they severely limited the survival aspect by nerfing farming into oblivion. Now they force you to depend on traders for water so you no longer have to hunt down a strategic location (near water, or risk dehydration for a better location farther away) for a base. And now they go even farther to remove the bulk of the RPG elements by having first-person shooter style combat for looting magazines to make any progression.

This game is just not fun anymore. 

Yes, you can play a previous version of the game, but then you sacrifice the actual changes that are good. I LIKE the towns and the way the random gen maps are now created. I don't want the jankiness of Alpha 16 detracting from the gameplay. Remember roads  that went up in 80 degree slopes? Or POI's set inside an bottomless crater? Or towns laid out in perfect square blocks without rhyme or reason to them? Or getting bottlenecked by NEEDING a very specific item and/or recipe to craft a forge and then to make certain other items?

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