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How to set up server /tp commands?

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When I visit certain public 7DTD servers, they often display a list of /tp commands I can use while on the server., For example, /tp home, /tp trader, etc. 


I'm renting a hosted  server and would like to set that up for my players. How is this accomplished, is there a good comprehensive guide on this or can someone simply walk me through the steps to implement just this command and I'll extrapolate the rest?


Thanks for any insights and suggestions!

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4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Let me follow you here please, i want to know as well. Google didn´t really bring up anything.

Yeah, I searched long and hard for an answer and found none. If I'm reading YourMirror's response above correctly, it appears we need 3rd party software to do this, at least that's how I interpret the references to RAT, ServerTools and Botman. I'm not sure what csmm is, so I'll research that in the event it's a console command?

Update: I just learned that CSMM is available directly integrated via the highest tier subscription at my server hosting service (7DTD.net), so that's the route I'm taking.

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Yeah I saw that guide, but I'm not sure how much of it is applicable to my situation, they don't do a very good job of making that clear. Do I really have to set up the Ubuntu OS on my PC? A statement like "Alloc's Fixes" are required to be on your server first", leaves me baffled. My subscription to the highest tier of server hosting on 7DTD.net claims that it comes with Allocs and CSMM, so how much of the CSMM guide do I ignore (installation, Ubuntu, I presume) and at what point do I start following the guide. Unclear. They explain how to create a web  token to add the ability of CSMM to control my server, but tell me to use "your Telnet client" to do it, or to just do it from the in-game console. I figured out how to use Telnet and logged in but "webtoken add" is not a recognized command. Also, from the in-game console, "webtoken add" is not a recognized command. Those are the sorts of ambiguities that leave me puzzled.


All I really wanted was the simple ability to create aliases for console commands, so that me and my friends could do a "tp home" or "tp mine" command. I would also like to be able to set resource reset regions, etc., which is why I decided to make the plunge and figure out CSMM, but I'm thinking this may be over my head.


Unless you're aware of a more noob-friendly guide. I know, "noob friendly" isn't a phrase generally associated with setting up a dedicated gaming server. I'm close to giving up on this objective, but I feel a moral compulsion to power forward until I figure it out.


Thanks for any suggestions or insights/

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 I have no clue how all this works. but Alloc´s fixes are already included, at least partly, in the dedicated server version since A21. I remember reading that. So that guide might be outdated. Maybe try the steam forums for help. This place is not very frequented. Also maybe try FB and look for 7 days to die groups, several people running servers do advertise their servers in those groups, you might find one beeing able to help you.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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Thanks, Papa, that's helpful to know. I think that video is indeed outdated, as most of the commands they suggest just don't work in my A21.1b16 console. I also understand that Alloc's is already installed on my hosted server. The video says you can confirm this by simply accessing the console in game and typing "version". In the video when they do this, the output explicitly shows the 3 Alloc's mods installed. But when I type in "version" I get the version number but no indication of any mods installed. So I don't know where to go next, but I'll keep researching this. Thanks again.

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