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stacksize change giving yellow errors (not loading certain lines)


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I am trying to change the stack size of all food items.  Here is my line of code:


<set xpath="/items/item[@name='food']/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">100</set>

Attached is my error which does not load that line. I have other lines of stacksize changes that are fine.  It says pos 3 but there's nothing at pos 3.  What am I doing wrong? Does my code above not search the items.xml and find all items starting with 'food' and should it not set their stack sizes to 100?  

I had a similar issue with ammo stacks.  Tried to set bundles of ammo to 100 and ammo itself to 2500.  No dice, they all had the same exact yellow error, pos 3.

Thanks in advance.

ALSO: Are there any resources available for Unity editing: Specifically, I bought some entity assets from the Unity store and I would like to add them to the game. I know Max Fox Gaming has an awesome xml tutorial series that has helped me tremendously but I can't really find a good series on unity editing for 7 days to die. I am a complete newb so I need to be walked through how to load my assets, set their attributes, and save or export them to be used in 7 days.  


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Is there any item in there with the just the name food?  That is why you are getting an error.


If you are trying to do a change to all food items with the same stack size, you need to use contains


so something like


<set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'food') and not(contains(@name,'magazine'))]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">50</set>


So this will go through the items file and update the stack of all food items to 50, but not any of the magazines that have food in the name.

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