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[a21/21.1] Is this worth an official bug report? Manually placing a POI in the World editor will not remove things like branch bushes, trees, birds nests, etc when applying a POI to the world.


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Title gore, I know, I'm sorry, but my word vomit is actually appropriate this time around. Weirdest bug I've been having since A21, and no, it isn't the POI marker that is the issue. To kind of explain what's going on it needs bit of backstory, I guess, so: my general workflow is go through a million random world generations until I find something I like (I'm extremely picky in this regard, and that is 100% on me), and then I go into the world editor to hand-place POIs down, usually across the street from traders. I do this because I'm, again, picky as hell. I'll blame my autism here for absolutely no reason.


The problem comes in when placing and  "applying" the POIs to the world; even if I remove the random helpers that are naturally generated in the world, the spaces they occupy when entering a world to play then become ghost blocks, and I cannot fill them in. There is nothing in these spots, but I cannot place anything, cannot interact, and at times even whole parts of the POI disappear depending on what's in the occupied space (like walls and doors). It's happened with the last six worlds I've done this in, and nothing about my set up has changed, apart from updating a few mods that don't even touch world generation or decor items. I tried it in vanilla and the same thing happened.


It does it with trees, birds nests, branch bushes, wild plants (so far yucca and aloe), and others. Grass also will not disappear from the ground even though the POI has been applied. Terrain will also sometimes not flatten, like in the case of applying a part to a POI (in my example, blueberryfield_sm will then have vanilla terrain generation despite having the custom farm field rows).


I literally don't know what's causing this, and it only started happening recently; and on top of that, hand-placed POIs placed in odd-number positioning (1 or 3 in prefabs.xml) will be reversed until I go into prefabs.xml and change the number to the opposite of what it is (if it's 3, change it to 1). It doesn't happen for even-number position (0 and 2).


I've tried verifying files, I've tried running vanilla, I've cleared my appdata folders of the world editor save files (because if I don't, the chunks remain and it's a whole thing.... idk) and generated worlds, I've cleared my recycling bin, I've done the "add one mod at a time until the problem occurs" but that doesn't work because it also occurs in vanilla, I've tried going back to Alpha 21 stable... I'm at a loss at this point lol


Here's a few screenshots of what I mean, using trailer_03 (I think?) and my newest randomly generated world—brand new, yes modded, though again that doesn't matter because it happens in vanilla too:

  • the first screenshot is in the World Editor, before I've made any changes, like placing or applying a POI. Take note of the cow(?) skull, birds nests, and branch bushes (I'm not sure what they're called but they give you wood). I did remove the tree in the center of the screenshot after.
  • The second is after I've removed the little military camp, filled in the mark it left with topsoil, and applied the POI after placing it. The cow skull and yucca fruit have remained, despite being within the bounds of the POI (should be gone, as it has done a million times in Alpha 21 about two weeks ago and also previous alphas in general, at least in my experience).
  • The third is while checking it for missing blocks; the birds nest and bush have remained, but they shouldn't have, because placing and applying a POI usually removes them??








What could be causing this issue? Why are they taking priority over the POI itself, when that shouldn't be the case? I've used this POI in every test (or well, every world I've tried this in), and at one point I lost the entire wall to the bedroom, curtain door and all.


And I should mention that it doesn't matter whether or not I've removed them—the space will be empty, but remain occupied, and I am still unable to place anything there. If there are trees, then the entire space a tree would fill will be "occupied" (aka the roof will be missing too, and I cannot place anything vertically in the space where it would be).


Like is this worth sending a full bug report on or no? Nobody else has had this issue from what I can tell, so I may be the only one experiencing it, and for who knows what reason loool :(

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