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Rank 5 vs Rank 6 tier 3 firearms

Old Crow

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Before I submit a bug report, I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this.


I've been noticing that on Tier 3 firearms (bows/crossbows included), the rank 6 versions have more durability (understandable) but less damage than rank 5 version. I've only been seeing this on Tier 3 firearms/bows, not on tools, armor, or melee weapons. Has anyone else seen this? I'm not sure if I'm having bad RNG, if this is a bug, or if it's intentional. Can someone help clear this up? If it's intentional or I'm just unlucky, I don't want to submit a bug report, since it wouldn't be a bug in those cases.

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I didn't notice that. But I remember that during the experimental tests of A21 they changed a bit the values and mod slots of the guns (and that didn't applied to weapons that already existed). Is your gave from one of the experimental versions? 

I also did a quick test. Generated 9x Tier 5 and 9x Tier 6 of some weapons to test it:

  • M60
    • LVL 5: Lowest 83.1 / highest: 83.5
    • LVL 6: Lowest 87.2 / highest: 87.5
  • Desert Vulture
    • LVL 5: Lowest 106.6 / Highest: 107.4
    • LVL 6: Lowest 112 / Highest: 112.5
  • SMG5
    • LVL 5: Lowest 59.4 / Highest: 59.6
    • LVL 6: Lowest 62.2 / Highest: 62.5
  • Crossbow
    • LVL 5: Lowest 98.2 / Highest: 98.5
    • LVL 6: Lowest 104.5 / Highest: 104.9


Also, all these damages are based on the ammo they are using. Usually the regular ammo. But if they are loaded with some AP ammo or steel bolt. Their base damage will also be increased. 

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If you're using CM to generate the weapons,  prior to A21, it would NOT generate the max possible for a weapon.

(I tried a LOT with the M60s)


Haven't tried it yet in 21, as I'm not at the point of making them.

(mind you, once I can craft T5 I'll do a comparison)


Dunno if that was a bug or deliberate.


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