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Rev678 realitycheck mod, no dogs etc...

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Hi all, i have been using Rev678's realitycheck mods for quite some time now, but since A21 this mod/modlet seems to be broken. Dogs, vultures and snakes still seems to be in the game while i use this modlet... I have looked at the console and it spits out an console error which i can't figure out what is wrong with it...


this is the code that Rev678 used: 

<set xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, '')]/entity[@name='animalZombieDog']/@name">zombieMoe</set>


And here is the error line that i get in the console/log:

WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "REV6:7-8's Modlet ... REALITY CHECK ... NO DOGS" did not apply: <set xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[contains(@name, '')]/entity[contains(@name, 'animalZombieDog')]/@name"  (line 7 at pos 3)


I have looked at the xml code but i can't see what is wrong with it... i do not understand the xpath code very well, just got a basic understanding of it...

So my question is, can someone give me any tips or guide me into the right direction to make this modlet work again?


All i want is to remove vultures, wolves, lions, snakes and dogs from the game because they annoy  me and scare the hell out of me when i get surprised by them...

Edited by renejant (see edit history)
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