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A21 mods to remove specific animals/zombies?


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About the only hostile animal I don't mind dealing with is the bears (I know, I'm weird), and I absolutely detest spider zombies. The noise they make, the way they look and move, nope! If someone knows of/would be willing to make mods to remove these (or swap them out with something like Moe or Joe) I would be thrilled. I'd also be willing to edit the files for myself if someone would point me in the right direction of what to change, I don't know the first thing about making mods for 7D2D, but I can do a mean config edit for my own game! (I only play solo so.)

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I did one where I changed snakes to coyotes back in Alpha 20.  On vacation now, but I can look at it and update for A21 so you can use it as a baseline when I get back.  It might work as is, but can’t be 100% certain

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