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Overhaul that is the opposite of current trader&lootyshooty meta?

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(TL;DR:  Is there an overhaul that makes 7d2d heavily focused solely on crafting?)


There are magnificent overhauls like Undead Legacy and Darkness Falls and I'm glad they exist, but I was curious if there's something that goes completely in the opposite direction of being reliant on looting and trading? Like being able to craft your way through the game with minimal looting at most, or none at all? Something that brings the game closer to pre-trader alphas at least?
I haven't seen an overhaul like that but I wonder if it exists (or was there a Russian one like that? I don't remember). I imagine it wouldn't be popular but I'd love a more minecrafty experience. Being a hermit that does all research and crafting in some cave probably doesn't sound fun to most but I really want that.


Thank you very much in advance and sorry if the topic is subforum-inappropriate, I didn't see a more suitable one.

Edited by borplemorple (see edit history)
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(Can't edit the post anymore so doublepost it is)

I've been thinking about pure wilderness survival (which is pretty much impossible, vanilla or any overhaul that I know of) and theoretically I could just add recipes for research data in Undead Legacy and then add recipes for quite a few other things so that I could essentially craft everything. But then again it would become quite repetitive and thus boring. The real question then would be "how do I make pure wilderness survival fun?". And that to me seems like a very difficult question.

How would one make pure wilderness survival fun indeed? In Cataclysm: DDA it is (or at least was last I played) possible to play this way, but you ended up being very limited as well because you couldn't craft lots of things. Maybe I should just play Factorio if I want a game that's all about crafting. Oh, speaking of. Automation makes crafting fun. Zero looting as well. Though I shudder to think of something like an unholy union of 7d2d and Factorio. Imagine the hardware requirements or the genius required for optimizing that.

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I might have something for you, but it needs updating to A21.  I modded the game where crafting became essential.


weapon drops are reduced, and you can’t repair equipment so crafting gear to start full durability becomes very important.  I also added new mods that increases durability, especially for firearms.

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