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entity groups new format

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Ok, a totally new format for entity groups.  Any documentation on how to modify it now?  I have looked at a couple of mods, and they just "brute force" add the entries.  In my current mod, I actually search for a similar entity and append my entity after it.  MUCH shorter code to maintain and update.


I see the new "csv xpath=" entry, but so far have only found the op="add" option


So i guess I am asking how would I search for "animalSnake" and append a new entity when found.  Or, "animalSnake, 10"


thankls for any help or documentation on this new format


here is an example of how I currently do it...


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='animalDoe' and not(@prob='1')]]">
        <entity name="animalIceburgBabyDeer" />
    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='animalDoe' and @prob='1']]">
        <entity name="animalIceburgBabyDeer" prob="1" />


Edited by Iceburg71
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