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Sinking Electric Fence Posts 1 Block No Longer Works?


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So, for years I've always had my electric fence posts sunk 1 block lower than the floor, so that they'd get dogs, crawlers, and spider zombies.  Well, come day 7 in A21, and everything was just walking over the top of my electric fences as if they weren't there (fortunately I had my base set up so that if I ragdolled a zombie they'd end up falling, so when they got close they were getting into the wires.


Has anyone else experienced this?  Was this change noted somewhere and no one talked about it?


I honestly don't mind, I was actually kind of happy to see it, but it was a bit concerning at the start of horde night (though my Day 7 horde was kinda pathetic.  I'm not really used to playing vanilla, and with a gamestage of 43, which is pretty low for me for day 7, I didn't have a single cop or feral, and it was all over by 11:30. :( )

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Is this fence post change intended?  I was noticing even though my wire does run above ground, zombies run right over it - if they fall, they do get shocked.  It appears that their feet are not valid targets (which seems like a bug). 

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