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Inventory tracking / Inventory logging option for private servers


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Dear FunPimps,


PLEASE add inventory logging as an option for private servers.  I run PVE servers exclusively and have a "Don't touch it if it's not yours" policy.  Generally speaking we have a good crew but at least once a week some clown thinks they can get away with using one exploit or another to get access to someone else's stuff and sadly, too often they can, even with LCBs in place. Using exploits, or someone has an open window within arms reach of their forge, or someone abuses trust given by another player.


It should be trivial to add a log entry like so whenever an item stack moves.

<timestamp> ItemName Qty xx added to inventory: PlayerName


I have no doubt this will result in a performance hit so it absolutely should be an opt-in value in the settings.

TrackPlayerInventoryChanges: <0-3> None, All, Pickup Only, Drop Only


Thanks for your consideration.





To ward off the inevitable unkind suggestions, we play strictly PvE.  We're not after realistic & we don't care to 'harden up'.  Our community is tailored to older gamers with families and limited time.  We want to have to keep an eye over our shoulders for Zeds, not for other players.  We want to be able to go on vacation for 2 weeks and pick up where we left off.  You play your way, we'd like to play ours.



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