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Team working on console dev


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I think TFP are doing the actual development work on the PC side and then, Titanium Games is most likely taking what TFP give them so they can port it and get it working properly on console. Joel aka "Madmole" made a video on his YouTube channel a long time ago about, how the development process on console works back when they were in partnership with Telltale Games and Iron Galaxy. With that being said, I'm assuming it's still the same kind of process, only thing different is, they have an entirely new studio who's working on porting it to the PS5 and Series X|S consoles.



7 Days To Die console development process:


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I don't think it is similar to the Telltale partnership. I think they could be doing much of the development in-house. That is possible because the new consoles are much closer to PC in terms of performance and architecture.


I know of the network guy they hired a year ago doing the work to get registered on the other platforms (including eventually getting cross-platform to work). I don't know who is doing the UI for console but that may be just the same guy who did the PC UI.


The publisher they made a deal with now is possibly only a hired service instead of an independent licensee and his job is to talk to Sony and MS and do the management on the console front. They may or may not provide programmers as well, don't know.





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