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Server side Vehicle - Santa's 'Slay' and Reindeer


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I whipped up a sleigh and eight reindeer server side vehicle mod.  This was influenced by Snufkin's Server Side Vehicles mod, with huge help from Arramus on many technical issues and making it actually fly :) 


Apologies to the many many reindeer that suffered until I figured out how to get it semi stable.


Hopefully it will be up on the mod site soon. 


I am a noob and can't seem to get the image insertion to work.



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Thank you for making this festive fantasy flyer public because it is very special and will certainly be enjoyed by the community.

The amount of time and effort you put into incorporating the custom server side technique with careful consideration and alignment of each asset is admirable.


Here is a link to the 7D2M Mod listing:-

And the direct link as some players report not always being able to access this site.


I will share one of my images as it is quite something to behold.



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