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Add contrast to text, both in chat and crafting times.


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Sorry if it is just me, but I struggle to read text without strong contrast.  My group and I sometimes change the text color (global, friends, party) depending on the biome and time of day.  The 3 different colors are nice, but what would be even better is if there was a background or glow to the text with high contrast.  Same for the crafting times.  the light color text is often illegible depending on the item color.

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I support this as well.  Even without vision difficulties, it is common to not be able to read sharing because the background behind the text is almost the same color as the text.  Having even just a transparent background behind the text that is just a bit darker than the text would make it visible.


If you try reading the day and time in bright daylight, especially in snow, it can require moving the camera so you are facing showing darker.  This can occur with other text in the game that does not have a background behind it as well.  Anything to fix that would be appreciated.

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