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Is there a way to remove/change the striper zombie?


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 First of all I just found your Mod and its been pretty fun youve done an awesome job! I do play or want to play this mod with my family also and would like to see it there is anyway to change the skin of the striper zombie to something else or remove it. I would greatly apprecate it if you could assist with this. Thanks for all you hard work its pretty amazing. Thanks

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Easiest thing to do is to change the mesh file name in the entityclasses.xml file


<entity_class name="zombieLab" extends="zombieTemplateMale">
    <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/>
    <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZMechanic.prefab"/>


This changed the lab zombie to the mechanic zombie

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13 hours ago, Hunsman said:

is anyway to change the skin of the striper zombie to something else or remove it.

hello, are you referring to the female zombie wearing the black skirt and high heels? she's not showing that much really, but as BFT2020 mentioned you can swap her mesh with like any other female zombie or whatever zombie. you'd go into the entityclasses.xml file that's located in \\7 Days To Die\Data\Config folder. Look for the following:


<entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieArlene">
	<property name="SizeScale" value="0.99"/>
	<property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/>
	<property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZCocktailWaitress.prefab"/>
	<property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.3, 1.35"/> <!-- slim, regular -->
	<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="125"/>


then on the line that says <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZCocktailWaitress.prefab"/>   ... you'll want to change that to show a different zombie prefab. like if you wanted to swap in zombieArlene's prefab, then the result should be like this:


<entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieArlene">
	<property name="SizeScale" value="0.99"/>
	<property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/>
	<property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZArlene.prefab"/>
	<property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.3, 1.35"/> <!-- slim, regular -->
	<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="125"/>


you will also need to do the same for the radiated version of the party girl and change the mesh to match zombie Arlene's radiated mesh:


<entity_class name="zombiePartyGirlRadiated" extends="zombiePartyGirlFeral">
	<property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker,feral,radiated"/>
	<property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZArleneRadiated.prefab"/>
	<property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".4"/><!-- Radiated -->
	<property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".9"/><!-- Radiated -->
	<property name="ExperienceGain" value="1200"/><!-- XP grunt radiated -->
	<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="451"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="RadiatedRegenAmount" operation="set" value="4"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiatedRegen"/>


hope that helps. if you are talking about a different stripper zombie from some other mod (like my enZombies mod?), let me know.

Edited by ErrorNull (see edit history)
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