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modding progression question


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i want a realistic progression and i´m thinking that some things like human body enhancements are happening by its own, while other things are learning by doing or studying 


lets go in:
this is a line out of a basic perk which needs 3 skillpoints to reach lvl 10
<level_requirements level="10"><requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqGenericPoints03"/></level_requirements>


this is from learning build turrets
<level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attIntellect" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqIntellectLevel10"/></level_requirements>


now is my question if and how i can add the skillpoint costs to the turrets to make it more difficult to get them. i dont know what the "operation="GTE" value="10"" does while the 10 is in the requirement too.


it´s easier to understand how gears work together unlike then 2 chemical ingredients react together. so i want that body progression is easiest, understanding mechanics middle, electronics a little harder, and chemical things much hardest to learn


but i dont know how to build that into the progression file

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9 hours ago, Macalanias said:

it´s easier to understand how gears work together unlike then 2 chemical ingredients react together. so i want that body progression is easiest, understanding mechanics middle, electronics a little harder, and chemical things much hardest to learn

To be fair, those things are easier for you to understand in that order maybe, but some people can easily understand the covalent bonding math of chemistry while being utterly helpless in mechanical engineering. It all depends on your particular strengths and weaknesses in thinking habits IRL. 
That being said, the other questions are easier to answer. 
The desc_key is only providing a key name for the localization file line for said key, which is the text that pops up when you hover over the lock icon in the progression menu in game. 

Below is an example of some xpath i used in Trapped in Purgatory overhaul to adjust the costs of all attributes and perks to scale up as you went further into the tree.

<!-- at this rate it costs 82 perk points to max one attribute.  L2 1pts, L3 2pts, L4 3pts, L5 4pts, L6 6pts, L7 9pts, L8 12pts, L9 17pts, L10 23pts  -->
			<!-- <set xpath="/progression/attributes/@max_level">100</set> -->
			<set xpath="/progression/attributes/@base_skill_point_cost">1</set>
			<set xpath="/progression/attributes/@cost_multiplier_per_level">1.37</set>

			<set xpath="/progression/perks/@base_skill_point_cost">1</set>
			<set xpath="/progression/perks/@cost_multiplier_per_level">1.81</set>
	<!-- at this rate it costs 63 perk points to max one 5 level perk. L1 2pts, L2 4pts, L3 8pts, L4 16pts, L5 33pts -->

I'm pretty sure the math on that last comment is wrong, i probably changed the value and forgot to update the comment. But it gets the idea across. I used that to set things globally across all attributes and perks, but there is a better way from what you've described wanting to do.

Now from there we can extrapolate that attribute i'm setting to get that to happen. cost_multiplier_per_level. That can be added to any progression to adjust that specific attribute or perk's cost as you level it up. Same thing for the base_skill_point_cost attribute. 
How that might look would be something like this:

	<attribute name="attPerception" name_key="attPerceptionName" desc_key="attPerceptionDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_stealth" min_level="1" max_level="10" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="1.5">

Or for a perk:

	<perk name="perkTurrets" parent="skillIntellectCombat" name_key="perkTurretsName" desc_key="perkTurretsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret" min_level="1" max_level="6" base_skill_point_cost="2" cost_multiplier_per_level="1.25">


I hope that's helpful.

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i tried it but i couldnt get it to work.



<level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqGenericPoints01"/></level_requirements>


i tried to add the base_skill_point_cost="2", set the reqGenericPoints to 02 which are translated in the localization, but the game didnt recognized it. there must be some thing more i didnt know :(

changes in my recipes are working 99% well

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3 hours ago, Macalanias said:

i tried it but i couldnt get it to work.



<level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqGenericPoints01"/></level_requirements>


i tried to add the base_skill_point_cost="2", set the reqGenericPoints to 02 which are translated in the localization, but the game didnt recognized it. there must be some thing more i didnt know :(

changes in my recipes are working 99% well


Try this:



    <perk name="perkTurrets" parent="skillIntellectCombat" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="2" name_key="perkTurretsName" desc_key="perkTurretsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret">


when I added it to the line for turrets, it changed the perk points required per level by doubling it.  It steadily increased the value up to the last one.   Changing the other way (Base skill point) and leaving multiplier at 1 should increase the perk cost to 2 for each level



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i think my brain did it, it broke through a mental wall and found more knowledge. i only need more hours to write it down and test it


i understood that this line belongs to the 5 main Attributes: Perception, Strength, Fortitude, Agility, Intellect which are listed underneath

<attributes min_level="1" max_level="10" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="1.14">


and after this comes a line for ALL the perks

<perks min_level="0" max_level="5" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="1" max_level_ratio_to_parent="5">


the only thing i dont understand now is how the game round down/up the skillpoint costs ingame that you dont have to spend 1.229 skill points x)


i will copy, paste, and change that things, and include the player level requirements i figured out to prevent abusing some perks

what a journey, what a work. i think i upload it to nexusmods when its done and put it into the modding part of the forum

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