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A Survivalist's Dream


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New to the forums. Have been playing since about Alpha 17, >1K hours (probably a scratch in the surface compared to some players around here, haha). I've been loving the game more and more with each update and it is one of the few games I find myself constantly coming back to after lengthy periods of not playing.


I am a very immersive player. Playing Fallout New Vegas on hardcore mode was a game changer for me. My friends joke and I joke around that they play on the Weenie Hut Jr Server while I play on The Salty Spitoon. My most recent file is all Wasteland on insane difficulty with nightmare speed day + night for all zombies, feral sense at night, 30 day blood moon, and permadeath. It is brutal, haha. Haven't made it farther than Day 5. 


Having said that, I would like more features and settings to add to the survivalist style of play. Several of these suggestions would be made optional since not all players want to play the way I do. It would allow greater flexibility for players to create the type of game they want to play as well as coming up with fun challenges. I understand there are mods for some of these features; I just think it would be nice to see them implemented in a vanilla game. Honestly, a lot of these suggestions are close to the features included in Starvation Mod.


Here's my list:


  • Food Spoilage System
    • Any unpreserved food or non-alcoholic beverage that is not canned or water has a spoilage timer. Food will spoil if left in chest. 
    • Unlocks drying rack crafting and salt resource.
    • 3 tiers of refrigeration: cooler, refrigerator, and freezer (the latter two options require power). Coolers increase the spoilage timer by a little, the refrigerator moderately, and the freezer significantly.
    • Freshly cooked food has a shorter spoilage timer than say a freshly harvested vegetable. Raw meat has the shortest spoilage timer.
    • Eating spoiled food causes dysentery. 
  • Farming Update
    • Add new crop types (wheat, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, rice, sugar cane, beans, peppers, watermelon).
    • Each plant requires water, fertilizer, and sunlight.
    • Each plant has so many harvests before it dies and must be replanted.
    • Crops take longer to grow from seed. Farming perks increase the number of produce from each harvest and decreases the growing time.
    • Unlocks watering can, rain barrel, irrigation system and fertilizer crafting. 
  • Additional Map Generation Settings
    • Option to spawn random radiation zones with map generation.
      • Radiation zones require a radiation suit to explore safely. Radiation zones spawn only irradiated zombies, zombie bears, and wights. Good luck.
      • Highest loot bonus (higher than Wasteland). 
    • Adjust whether map is surrounded by water or land. If water, let you increase the radius of water if you want a smallish island.
  • Companion Dog
    • Complete a trader quest to obtain a companion dog. The dog functions similarly to Rex or Dogmeat from Fallout.
    • Can be given commands (attack, passive, guard, stay, etc).
    • Can be given armor for protection.
    • Can die, but can complete trader quest again to obtain another one.
    • One dog per player.
  • Fishing/Fish Trapping
    • Add fishing skill. Unlocks fishing pole, fish trap, and bait crafting.
    • High chance to fish up garbage with low fishing skill.
    • Adds new fish related recipes.
    • Can be used to craft fertilizer.
  • Livestock: Chickens, Rabbits, Beehives
    • Add craftable coops and beehives
    • Purchase chickens and rabbits from trader to place in coop.
    • Enemy AI/hostile players can destroy the coop, which would destroy the animals along with it. Bye-bye.
    • Craftable animal feed from wheat (added with farming) and corn.
  • Craft functional fans, heaters, and air conditioners for use in extreme environments.
  • Sleep Mechanic
    • Optional, maybe as part of insane difficulty.
    • Player requires sleep. After a certain period of time awake, the player will get a mild drowsy debuff, which can be negated by caffeine.
    • The longer the player goes without sleep, the worse the debuff gets until the player passes out from sleep deprivation (going days without sleep). This would leave them vulnerable to attack if out in the open.
    • Time passes normally while sleeping, allowing for compatibility with multiplayer servers and allow players to continue exploring/crafting/mining at night.
    • Sleep should take seconds to minutes depending on day length.
    • Increasing fortitude increases the length of time the player is able to stay awake before experiencing debuffs and also decreases the amount of time players need to sleep for.
    • Unlocks functional bed roll and beds. Using a bed roll requires more sleep time where the king sized bed requires less and gives temporary stat bonuses for a well rested sleep.
  • Addiction Mechanic
    • Optional. Consuming too many pills, Fort Bites, alcohol, caffeine, steroids, and possibly candy in a short period of time increases the possibility of developing an addiction, which gives a debuff whenever the substance in question is not consumed.
    • Addiction can be removed if abstaining from the substance for a certain period of time.
    • Fortitude can decrease the severity of the debuffs.
  • Advanced AI Settings
    • I love insane difficulty. Zombies should be dangerous and hit hard. But I hate how spongey they become at higher difficulties. To mitigate this, I think there should be sliders for damage taken by zombies and animals, separated by category, including limb multipliers and zombie block damage for special infected types. So if I headshot a zed with a shotgun, they should be no more. I'm also a crazy person who wants to mass buff wights to make them an end-game terror that will absolutely wreck your base if they're not taken out as soon as they're identified. 
    • Ability to adjust number of zombies spawned in certain areas, so it's possible to have cities crawling with zeds, whereas rural areas have very few. 
    • Adjust the number in wandering hordes as well as their frequency (as a percentage chance maybe). 
    • Feral sense adjustments.
      • I love feral sense out in the open. Makes the game scary. But if I am hiding in a corner of a house doing absolutely nothing with zero heat, they should not be able to sense me. Also, I want to be able to work in peace in my underground bunker again. Again, I want them to chase me on the surface, but if I am deep underground, I don't think they should hear me. I might be able to work around this by decreasing AI block damage. 
  • Weapon Dismemberment Rework
    • Disclosure, I used JR's Dismemberment Mod in Alpha 19 and edited it to suit some of my own preferences and it was an absolute game changer for me. I made it so that certain weapons guaranteed an instant death on headshot (shotguns, sledgehammers, machetes for example). Other weapons like bone knives just ain't cuttin' it (ha). I also adjusted resistances for creatures like bears and wights. I wanted there to be *some* enemies that take a bit more to go down. This mod eliminated perks that had associated dismemberment multipliers.
  • Trader Settings
    • Adjust the number of traders to spawn on a map.
    • Adjust which biomes the trader can spawn in.
    • Adjust days between loot resupply.
  • New Trader Quests
    • Collect resources
    • Craft requested items/cook recipe
    • Harvest crops
    • Deliver/receive goods to/from another trader (supply running)
  • Additional game setting options
    • Option to disable the near-death debuff.
    • Permadeath option. Wipes all of your skills, XP, and inventory.
    • Option for landclaim blocks to also prevent open world AI spawning, allowing for players to build colonies/settlements.
    • Option to disable the starting tutorial on start up.
    • Option to determine where players spawn.


And just for fun:


  • New weapon- flamethrower
  • New vehicles- rafts, motorboat, military Humvee with gunner turret
  • Swamp Biome
    • Unlocks mudmen, gators, and mosquitoes.
    • Craft bug repellant.
    • Has mud tiles that slow you down.
    • Bonus to farming and fishing.
  • More paint and furniture options
  • Copper and zinc nodes to craft brass
    • I don't know if this is needed as much since brass is easier to loot, but it'd still be appreciated. 
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I do really like the radiation zones which require a radiation suit or radiation medication to explore. I think, however, they should be sub-biomes of the Wasteland.


I am also all for a fishing update. Water has needed more than a simple update for a while now and it would be nice to not only explore lakes but fish, etc. Otherwise lake generation is mostly pointless for RWG IMO.


Much of the advanced AI settings already exist within the files, but I suppose some sliders wouldn't be bad for difficulty in terms of zombie generation. 

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