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RWG City District - Grid


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I think to begin with, just having a static runway and taxiway setup would be best so you don't even have to use parts.  


Later, if it is possible to have it more random, then depending on how that is made possible, it could be updated for that.


It may be possible to just treat the taxiways as roads in terms of what the tile type is considered.  Then they would connect properly if you are still marking what tiles can connect to what other tiles.  The only issue is how towns are generated... It could place a non-taxiway on one end and a taxiway on the other and then be unable to connect them . It depends if town creation is generated sequentially or from multiple directions at once.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, AH64_Jimbo said:

Parts, to my knowledge and understanding are currently subject to be placed RANDOMLY to some degree. I need the exact parts to be placed CONDITIONALY.  In other words;


IF <There are no airport tiles on this side> THEN <Spawn fence section> ELSE IF <There is a taxiway segment that needs to be connected> THEN <Spawn a taxiway connector part> ELSE <If there is no connecting taxiway, and an airport tile on that side then spawn nothing>


Ah, I see what you're saying. I had to read it twice as I misunderstood what you meant by "randomly" as it having a random location, but you correctly mean a random chance of being placed, or not.


I didn't grasp until I saw your examples that you are using Parts for taxiways so that your airport layout is dynamic.


I too have wanted such a thing. I had envisioned a large university campus with elevated walkways between buildings (much like a campus upon which I work). I'd want those walkways to continue onto neighboring campus Tiles, but otherwise end in a stairway if the neighboring Tile was some other District.


I see conditional Parts based on neighboring Tiles another feature request that I would happily support, but fear it might be more than the Devs want to support unless perhaps somebody had an easily implemented solution. Perhaps you've got a viable method?


For instance, if a Part were within 10 blocks (arbitrarily chosen) of an edge, the District name could be tested against some "neighbor" text field on the Part. A complication would be what if the Part is in a corner of the Tile?


Or perhaps, instead of 10 blocks, you specify a direction. If the District of the Tile in that direction matches what you typed in a "neighbor" text field on the Part, then the condition is met. If there is no neighboring Tile, then "wilderness" could be returned.


But even then, there's a case folks are probably going to want that isn't covered. For instance, Tiles often have roads that just stop. A "corner" Tile only has two exits, but it is common for a corner Tile to actually have roads that stretch to the other borders but then stop at a barrier. Sometimes the neighboring Tile has a similar road to a barrier and you end up with two roads ending with barriers that face either other. In this case it would be nice if both barriers could detect each other and remove themselves letting an impromptu connection appear.


To solve that, you almost need another pass through the Tiles just to place the Parts and even then I'll bet there's some nasty logic needed.

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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  • 5 weeks later...

As part of the first A21 Dev Stream, there was a mention of "Country Tiles" but no explanation. So for the past day or so I've been trying to guess what a "Country Tile" might be, which brought me back around to thinking of this Pimp Dream and others, where an Airport was discussed.


What if a Country Tile were a 500x500 Tile that represented a self-contained settlement and acted as its own Gateway Tile?


That is, you make a 500x500 Tile, scatter POI Markers and Parts across it, make it in the style of "cap", "corner", "intersection", "straight", and "t", and those road connections would be where the Gateway feature connected with a map's roads. At a size of 500x500, you could have a small regional airport's runway on the map and then place a bunch of airport POIs and Parts.


As a self-contained settlement, you would never try to place two Country Town Tiles next to each other. They would always be solo Tiles.

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It definitely sounds to me like it's a tile for the wilderness.  I was trying to get an answer in the A21 thread, but my question seems to be being ignored, so they might not want to discuss what it means yet.  It definitely offers some possibilities, especially if they implement it well.

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3 hours ago, Riamus said:

It definitely sounds to me like it's a tile for the wilderness.  I was trying to get an answer in the A21 thread, but my question seems to be being ignored, so they might not want to discuss what it means yet.  It definitely offers some possibilities, especially if they implement it well.


Yes, your speculation about a wilderness tile was partly what got me thinking about what it could be.

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