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Things from my character keep getting deleted


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Whenever I join the game sometimes it deletes either my inventory, something from my tool belt or even everything I have in general. And on top of that it keeps deleting all of my known schematics! It's frustrating because it happened once and I was still recovering trying to get back to where I was because everything I had deleted and everything I had known how to make and repair went back to me not being able to. Please if you know how to fix this let me know



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This game has been broken like this and many other ways that wreck the play experience, for years. Best get used to it. People randomly lose their worlds, their character progression, inventory and the list goes on. Game is a mess. You can maybe go into the game save files and add everything back in that you remember losing, but beyond that, you're not fixing the situation. The only ones that can actually fix the problem is The Fun Pimps. thousands of players have had and still have this problem and we've all been dealing with this for more than half a decade. Welcome to to hell. Hope you have a great day.

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I somewhat have a similar issue with my wifes game, we both play the game on PS4, when we log out of the game for the night and log back in the next evening, ALL of her inventory in her belt has been turned into  bike parts lol soooo, i just take her character over to her bike strip it down and goto the workbench and combine everything and she ends up with a better bike once its all said and done. Then i remake her weapons and stuff on my character, so when all of this happens to me its a blessing, because i turn that glitch or bug into something positive, Just like you can do the same, if you messed up and it resets on you well guess what, that mess up in turn never happened and you can avoid that mess up again.


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