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The Impossible Challenge No Mods Required


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I just launched a new server with a fun twist on 7 days to die. It was inspired by my brother suggesting we make our server as hard as possible. So I looked for mods that could be used server-side and just had fun with it. Join if you are okay with dying. PvP is open ended, I won't tolerate griefing and abuse on the server, but killing someone and stealing all their loot, no problem. But let's try to help eachother, I mostly just wanted to make sure there was friendly fire. I welcome anyone who wants to join and have fun. Just don't be surprised if you die a bunch... 🤕 I hope to see some of you online! 



  • There are equal mod slots to an item's tier.
  • Headshots do 50% bonus damage.
  • Normal Zombies only run at night.
  • Don't drop toolbelt on death
  • 2 skill points per level
  • Can craft megacrush
  • 5 Land Claim Blocks
  • 150% Loot & Xp
  • Larger Backpack
  • Friendly Admin
  • Usable Chairs
  • 50k stacks



  • Special zombies with unique abilities & kill requirements
  • Improved wandering horde ai (they will find you)
  • Headshots only* (see special zombies)
  • Zombies deal 2.8x normal damage
  • Deadly radiation in wasteland
  • Zombies Jog during the day
  • Frequent wandering hordes
  • Massive wandering hordes
  • Feral sense during the day
  • Drop backpack on death
  • Potential Bandits (PvP)
  • Insane Difficulty
  • Friendly Fire



Demo Video of Server:



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