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Send message from server to single user

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I thought there was a "sayplayer" command in game but haven't used commands on a server in quite a while.


I was also thinking there was a command to just communicate with your party as well. I think you can get the commands in the console (hitting F1) and using the help command.

Again I haven't used server commands in quite a while.

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3 hours ago, Gamida said:

I thought there was a "sayplayer" command in game but haven't used commands on a server in quite a while.


I was also thinking there was a command to just communicate with your party as well. I think you can get the commands in the console (hitting F1) and using the help command.

Again I haven't used server commands in quite a while.

Unfortunately, "sayplayer" isn`t working, and also in command list (using help) cant find this command, can see just "say" only

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