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Spawn entitygroup from item action?

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my plan?

Imagine this:



works like a screamer, finite uses, craftable.


i just cant figure out how to summon an enemy group by rightclicking (action1).


preferably light xml modding, no ressources or (manager)scripts.


quests.xml has "SpawnGSEnemy" for spawning, but i cant just move it over to item.xml and expect it work..


any ideas?

also any infos on what action classes are available to play with?  (besides Repair, Ranged, DynamicMelee, ReplaceBlock etc.)

a proper documentation would be nice.

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On 5/15/2022 at 8:16 AM, gamerpaddy said:

my plan?

Imagine this:



works like a screamer, finite uses, craftable.


i just cant figure out how to summon an enemy group by rightclicking (action1).


preferably light xml modding, no ressources or (manager)scripts.


quests.xml has "SpawnGSEnemy" for spawning, but i cant just move it over to item.xml and expect it work..


any ideas?

also any infos on what action classes are available to play with?  (besides Repair, Ranged, DynamicMelee, ReplaceBlock etc.)

a proper documentation would be nice.


I "think" that in the Joke Mode overhaul, they may have done something kike this.  I believe that maybe the flare gun attracts a small horde...  I'm not positive, but that's what it looks like it does from some of the videos I've watched.  Haven't tried myself - might be worth digging into it to see if that could lead you to what you want to do.  




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You could probably set it up like the former paper/challenge quests, so that clicking on it started a quest, and the quest spawned in a random number of zombies x, y, and z. The quests let you spawn in a range zombies, cherry-pick what you want, but still give it enough different types that it'll give you some variety. I believe the quests were in as late as A19.


The core of it boils down to something like this:

<action type="SpawnEnemy" id="zombieArlene,zombieDarlene,zombieMarlene,zombieBoe,zombieJoe,zombieMoe,zombieYo,zombieSkateboarder,zombieUtilityWorker,zombiePartyGirl,zombieSteve,zombieNurse" value="6-10" phase="1"/>

<objective type="ZombieKill" value="1" phase="1"/>

 You'd need a little more before it, like a name for the quest, but I'd play around and see if you could leave out all the usual text fields to keep objectives, etc from popping up on the screen. You might also be able to set the value for "ZombieKill" to 0 so the quest is finished automatically (not 100% sure it'd work, and being at work now, can't test it out for you).


So, in short, have a look at quests.xml in the A19 configs for a place to start.

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