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Banned from the 7 days to die discord

Steve Harvey

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Hello, I just registered my discord account a week ago and was joining different servers when my account was banned for being new. This is just a big misunderstanding and i hoping that one of the admins of the discord can see this and unban my account as 7 days is one of my favorite games I've been playing since 2013. My discord username is ( Steve Harvey#2056 ) 

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Because you kept trying to join a week ago when you had a brand new account. New accounts aren't allowed in the Discord as an effort to combat bots. Each time you tried it kicked you, until you got too many infraction points and were banned.


I have removed that ban, and you should be able to join now.

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19 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Because you kept trying to join a week ago when you had a brand new account. New accounts aren't allowed in the Discord as an effort to combat bots. Each time you tried it kicked you, until you got too many infraction points and were banned.


I have removed that ban, and you should be able to join now.

Yea man thanks my bad for the mix up. I was joining servers and i thought i hadn't joined yet so when i joined a second time i was banned but once again thank you 

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