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Losing all progress on game crash (XBOX Series X)


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So a friend and I have been in a private lobby game and we were on our third try, the first two time we make it about 7 to 8 days and after the crash we lost all progress and nothing was respawning. Now on the third try after we saw some work arounds to only loose maybe minutes of progress after crash we encounters where we were working on a house and after a crash half the house was gone and all storage was gone and no respawn happened, that was about day 10. Just now we hit day 22 and built a house from scratch instead of working on a pre built house in the game and after the crash we lost 90% of the house and all inventory we collected once again. I know that you guys have struggled with ownership and all but this is unacceptable, I don't even care for a new update to alpha19 or 20 or anything I just want you guys to fix what you have now and I know you guys can if the servers are still live which means you can still do hot fixes, this is just not right and if this continues your console version will never succeed.

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Yeah I read about TellTale issues which was very disappointing because I loved there walking dead games, I did just now ready that article you said and I replied in it and that work around does not work, after multiple crashes and doing that eventually you still loose it all, also just curious are you guys working on releasing the newer version or anything like that to console?

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