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Unable to log into MP server.


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Been playing fine past week or so and all of a sudden I'm unable to connect, been having the issue all day, any one familiar with this problem ?? 


Just cleared a Skyscraper POI and the game was lagging as I was trying to open the loot stashes, "i.e game not responding to commands" so I exited and upon trying to re-enter the server I cannot get past the loading screen.




Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/UnitySubsystems
Forcing GfxDevice: Direct3D 11
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (ID=0x2484)
    VRAM:     8043 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Completed reload, in  0.406 seconds
D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
<RI> Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 0.762600 ms
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.020 INF Version: Alpha 20.4 (b42) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20.4, Build: WindowsPlayer 64 Bit
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.021 INF System information:
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.021 INF    OS: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.022 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz (cores: 16)
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.022 INF    RAM: 32688 MB
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.022 INF    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (8043 MB)
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.024 INF    Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5.0)
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.046 INF Last played version: Alpha 20.4
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.047 INF Local UTC offset: 1 hours
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.063 INF Command line arguments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe -force-d3d11 -logfile C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs\output_log_client__2022-05-05__22-00-46.txt
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.072 INF [Platform] Init
2022-05-05T22:01:00 0.111 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.112 INF [Platform] Using cross platform: EOS
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.113 INF [Platform] Using server platform: Steam
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.113 INF [Platform] Using server platform: XBL
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.118 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.290 INF InControl (version 1.8.2 build 9357, native module = False, XInput = True)
2022-05-05T22:01:01 0.300 INF [Platform] Initializing Steam
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.414 INF [Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI_Init() ok
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.418 INF Not running in Big Picture Mode, no on-screen keyboard available
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.418 INF [Platform] Initializing EOS
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.696 INF [EOS] Initialize: Success
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.810 INF [Platform] Initializing XBL
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.942 INF Localization language from platform: english
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.944 INF Texture quality is set to 0
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.944 INF Precaching...
2022-05-05T22:01:02 1.945 INF Precaching file: 7DaysToDie_Data/resources.assets
2022-05-05T22:01:03 2.666 INF Precaching file: 7DaysToDie_Data/sharedassets1.assets
2022-05-05T22:01:03 2.668 INF Precaching file: Data/Bundles/blocktextureatlases
2022-05-05T22:01:03 3.096 INF Precaching file: Data/Bundles/terraintextures
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.605 INF Precaching done
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.801 INF Loading main scene
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 0.645500 ms
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.851 INF [GSM] Singleton Initialized...
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.858 INF Awake IsFocused: True
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.858 INF Awake
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.892 INF Occlusion: Awake
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.898 INF ApplyAllOptions streaming budget 7238.7 MB
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.899 INF ApplyAllOptions current screen 2560 x 1440, 144hz, window 2560 x 1440, mode FullScreenWindow
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.899 INF Texture quality is set to 0
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.899 INF ApplyTextureFilter 3, AF Enable
2022-05-05T22:01:04 3.900 INF ApplyTerrainOptions 4
2022-05-05T22:01:04 4.063 INF [MODS] No mods folder found
2022-05-05T22:01:04 4.072 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2022-05-05T22:01:04 4.103 INF Loading permissions file done.
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.176 INF GameSense server not found (no props file), disabling
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.176 INF Awake done in 317 ms
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libc
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libc.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/libc

Unloading 28 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 5860.
Total: 9.052600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.205600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.220600 ms MarkObjects: 8.579300 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.045500 ms)

2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.313 INF [XUi] Instantiating XUi from default prefab.
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.320 INF [XUi] XUi instantiation completed in 7 ms
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.485 INF [XUi] Loading XUi asynchrnously
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.500 WRN No culture info found for given name: cultureInfoName
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.822 INF Reloading serveradmin.xml
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.822 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.823 INF Loading permissions file done.
2022-05-05T22:01:05 4.982 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 468 ms total.
2022-05-05T22:01:06 5.317 WRN [EOS] [LogEOSAnalytics - Warning] EOS SDK Analytics disabled for route [1].
2022-05-05T22:01:06 6.054 INF [GSM] GameSparks Connected
2022-05-05T22:01:07 6.148 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 544 ms total.
2022-05-05T22:01:07 6.341 INF LoadTextureArraysForQuality quality -1 to 0, reload False
2022-05-05T22:01:07 6.906 INF [GSM] Skipping me
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.203 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.253 INF Loaded (local): archetypes
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.257 INF Loaded (local): color_mappings
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.260 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.261 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 1.000s
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.265 INF [Steamworks.NET] Login ok.
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.266 INF [EOS] Login
2022-05-05T22:01:08 7.536 INF AchievementManager: Received stats and achievements from Steam
2022-05-05T22:01:09 8.617 INF [EOS] Login succeeded, PUID: 000272fe43d5452a8f0d4668893afe17
2022-05-05T22:01:09 8.618 INF [EOS] Getting native user for 000272fe43d5452a8f0d4668893afe17
2022-05-05T22:01:09 8.620 INF [EOS] CopyIdToken result: Success
2022-05-05T22:01:11 10.115 INF Started thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:01:14 13.905 INF [EOS] Session search filters: ServerVersion:Alpha.20.4., Region=~$#$~northamericaeast, FreePlayerSlots>=1, GameHost:sdg, 
2022-05-05T22:01:14 13.905 INF [EOS] Starting session search with 3 filters
2022-05-05T22:01:15 14.280 INF [EOS] Search took: 375 ms
2022-05-05T22:01:15 14.281 INF [EOS] Sessions received: 5
2022-05-05T22:01:18 17.885 INF Connecting to server No Man's Land |A20|PVE|USA| SDGamers.org...
2022-05-05T22:01:18 17.885 INF NetPackageManager Init
2022-05-05T22:01:18 17.893 INF [EOS-ACC] Connected to game server
2022-05-05T22:01:18 17.894 INF Exited thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:01:18 17.910 INF NET: LiteNetLib trying to connect to:
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.064 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connected to server
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.071 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.071 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.076 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_1
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.076 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_1
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.091 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.GetAuthTicket()
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.092 INF [EOS] CopyIdToken result: Success
2022-05-05T22:01:18 18.092 INF NPPL.Write
2022-05-05T22:01:19 18.249 INF Login: authstate_nativeplatform
2022-05-05T22:01:19 18.541 INF Login: authstate_steamgroups
2022-05-05T22:01:19 18.541 INF Login: authstate_crossplatform
2022-05-05T22:01:19 18.541 INF Login: authstate_eac
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.067 INF Login: authstate_authenticated
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.069 INF Player allowed
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.071 INF [NET] Added server to history:
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.075 INF [Steamworks.NET] Trying to create Lobby (visibility: k_ELobbyTypePublic)
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.077 INF StartGame
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.079 INF [XUi] Instantiating XUi from default prefab.
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.087 INF [XUi] XUi instantiation completed in 8 ms
2022-05-05T22:01:21 21.104 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 72
GamePref.AirDropMarker = False
GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 50
GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 75
GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 200
GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 24
GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 9
GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 0
GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GamePref.BuildCreate = False
GamePref.ConnectToServerIP = 2a02:c7f:a15c:7900:b86d:b1a9:aa5f:916f
GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ControlPanelEnabled = False
GamePref.ControlPanelPort = 8080
GamePref.CraftTimer = 
GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 8
GamePref.CreateLevelName = My Level
GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DayCount = 3
GamePref.DayLightLength = 18
GamePref.DayNightLength = 60
GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
GamePref.DropOnDeath = 3
GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
GamePref.DynamicMeshDistance = 2000
GamePref.DynamicMeshEnabled = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer = 6
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxItemCache = 6
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshUseImposters = False
GamePref.DynamicSpawner = 
GamePref.EACEnabled = False
GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
GamePref.FavoriteServersList = 
GamePref.FragLimit = 20
GamePref.GameDifficulty = 1
GamePref.GameGuidClient = 
GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
GamePref.GameName = My Game
GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
GamePref.GameVersion = Alpha 20.4
GamePref.GameWorld = 
GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
GamePref.LandClaimCount = 1
GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 7
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
GamePref.Language = 
GamePref.LanguageBrowser = 
GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 13
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab = 
GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = 7
GamePref.LootAbundance = 150
GamePref.LootRespawnDays = 30
GamePref.LootTimer = 
GamePref.MatchLength = 10
GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 200
GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 524288
GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = False
GamePref.OptionsAllowController = True
GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 0.4723093
GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 6
GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.3270637
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxAASharpness = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.7543104
GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 60
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 5
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 5
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 5
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 7
GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 0.85
GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.50625
GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.1212121
GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsMouseSensitivity = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.09299895
GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 0.6551724
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerFemale
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
GamePref.OptionsSelectionBoxAlphaMultiplier = 0.4
GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = True
GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 0.6
GamePref.OptionsVehicleMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsVoiceInputDevice = {a237fde3-0c35-46cc-aa67-a8d89f1031f0}
GamePref.OptionsVoiceOutputDevice = {}.{88b0ed2b-f480-41b2-b8bb-9fa487ad1b09}
GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 1.53187
GamePref.OptionsWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsZoomMouseSensitivity = 0.3989224
GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = True
GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 2
GamePref.PlayerName = DarXide
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 7
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
GamePref.PlayerToken = 
GamePref.PlaytestBiome = 3
GamePref.RebuildMap = False
GamePref.Region = NorthAmericaEast
GamePref.SaveGameFolder = C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves
GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
GamePref.ServerDescription = 
GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = 
GamePref.ServerHistoryCache =$26900:1651784481$True;$30900:1651779929$False
GamePref.ServerIP = 
GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText = 
GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 1
GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 512
GamePref.ServerName = Default Server
GamePref.ServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
GamePref.ServerVisibility = 1
GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL = 
GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GamePref.TelnetEnabled = False
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
GamePref.TelnetPort = 25003
GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = True
GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
GamePref.UNUSED_LastLoadedPrefabSize = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts = 
GamePref.UNUSED_PlayerId = 
GamePref.UserDataFolder = C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie
GamePref.WorldGenSeed = 
GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
GamePref.XPMultiplier = 150
GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 1
GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 1
GamePref.ZombieFeralSense = 0
GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 1
GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
GameStat.AirDropMarker = False
GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
GameStat.AutoParty = False
GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
GameStat.CraftTimer = 
GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
GameStat.GameModeId = 0
GameStat.GameState = 0
GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow = 
GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = False
GameStat.LandClaimCount = 1
GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
GameStat.LoadScene = 
GameStat.LootTimer = 
GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
GameStat.ShowWindow = 
GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GameStat.UNUSED_ShowZombieCounter = 
GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.117 INF StartAsClient
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.117 INF Sending RequestToEnterGame...
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Loading dymesh settings
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Use Imposter Values: False
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Only Player Areas: True
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Player Area Buffer: 6
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Max View Distance: 2000
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF Regen all on new world: False
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.124 INF StartGame done
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.319 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby creation succeeded, LobbyID=109775242243781422, server SteamID=90158810230596613, server public IP=6*.19*.14*.23*, server port=26900
2022-05-05T22:01:22 21.324 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby entered: 109775242243781422
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.518 INF Received mapping data for: blocks
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.523 INF Received mapping data for: items
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 WRN No culture info found for given name: cultureInfoName
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'materials' from server. Len: 4339
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'physicsbodies' from server. Len: 3354
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'painting' from server. Len: 3360
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'shapes' from server. Len: 35241
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'blocks' from server. Len: 119751
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'progression' from server. Len: 22644
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'buffs' from server. Len: 56893
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'misc' from server. Len: 728
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'items' from server. Len: 98208
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'item_modifiers' from server. Len: 11813
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'entityclasses' from server. Len: 28388
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'qualityinfo' from server. Len: 155
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'sounds' from server. Len: 34497
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'recipes' from server. Len: 15317
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'blockplaceholders' from server. Len: 6280
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'loot' from server. Len: 44325
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'entitygroups' from server. Len: 49880
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'utilityai' from server. Len: 625
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'vehicles' from server. Len: 3805
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'weathersurvival' from server. Len: 276
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'archetypes' from server. Len: 8900
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'quests' from server. Len: 8173
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'traders' from server. Len: 10115
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'npc' from server. Len: 535
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'dialogs' from server. Len: 1594
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'ui_display' from server. Len: 5546
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'nav_objects' from server. Len: 3182
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'gameevents' from server. Len: 15036
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'twitch' from server. Len: 14361
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Loading config 'twitch_events' from local files
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'dmscontent' from server. Len: 1013
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi_Common/styles' from server. Len: 2088
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi_Common/controls' from server. Len: 3889
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi/styles' from server. Len: 35
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi/controls' from server. Len: 11301
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi/windows' from server. Len: 46332
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'XUi/xui' from server. Len: 2131
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'biomes' from server. Len: 7045
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received config file 'worldglobal' from server. Len: 292
2022-05-05T22:01:26 25.532 INF Received game GUID: F978B407F39C9D4EB20F16D123D267A3
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.172 INF Set Microsplat diffuse: MicroSplatConfig_diff_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.172 INF Set Microsplat normals: MicroSplatConfig_normal_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.172 INF Set Microsplat smooth:  MicroSplatConfig_smoothAO_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.176 INF Loaded (received): materials
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.189 INF Loaded (received): physicsbodies
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.194 INF Loaded (received): painting
2022-05-05T22:01:27 26.285 INF Loaded (received): shapes
2022-05-05T22:01:38 37.902 INF Block IDs with mapping
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 9)
2022-05-05T22:01:38 37.909 INF Block IDs total 13656, terr 0, last 255
2022-05-05T22:01:38 37.918 INF Loaded (received): blocks

Unloading 54216 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 95006.
Total: 450.579900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.738200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 11.696900 ms MarkObjects: 404.638800 ms  DeleteObjects: 27.505800 ms)

2022-05-05T22:01:39 38.480 INF Loaded (received): progression
2022-05-05T22:01:39 38.629 INF Loaded (received): buffs
2022-05-05T22:01:39 38.634 INF Loaded (received): misc
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.272 INF Loaded (received): items
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.336 INF Item IDs with mapping
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.336 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.382 INF Loaded (received): item_modifiers
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.452 INF Loaded (received): entityclasses
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.455 INF Loaded (received): qualityinfo
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.495 INF Loaded (received): sounds
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.722 INF Loaded (received): recipes
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.749 INF Loaded (received): blockplaceholders
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.809 INF Loaded (received): loot
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.910 INF Loaded (received): entitygroups
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.929 INF Loaded (received): utilityai
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.948 INF Loaded (received): vehicles
2022-05-05T22:01:40 39.965 INF Loaded (received): weathersurvival
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.005 INF Loaded (received): archetypes
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.061 INF Loaded (received): quests
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.071 INF Loaded (received): traders
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.079 INF Loaded (received): npc
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.089 INF Loaded (received): dialogs
2022-05-05T22:01:40 40.109 INF Loaded (received): ui_display
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.126 INF Loaded (received): nav_objects
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.204 INF Loaded (received): gameevents
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.234 INF Loaded (received): twitch
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.237 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.257 INF Loaded (received): dmscontent
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.260 INF Loaded (received): XUi_Common/styles
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.262 INF Loaded (received): XUi_Common/controls
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.264 INF Loaded (received): XUi/styles
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.269 INF Loaded (received): XUi/controls
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.283 INF Loaded (received): XUi/windows
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.285 INF [XUi] Loading XUi asynchrnously
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.313 INF Loaded (received): XUi/xui
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.482 INF Loaded (received): biomes
2022-05-05T22:01:41 40.617 INF Loaded (received): worldglobal
2022-05-05T22:01:41 41.094 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 563 ms total.
2022-05-05T22:01:42 42.060 INF ShapeControllers: 96
2022-05-05T22:01:42 42.104 INF createWorld: North Tutuxofo Valley, NoMansLand, GameModeSurvival
2022-05-05T22:01:42 42.104 INF Occlusion: Enabled
2022-05-05T22:01:43 42.135 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2022-05-05T22:01:43 42.136 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2022-05-05T22:01:43 42.136 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2022-05-05T22:01:43 42.222 INF World.Load: North Tutuxofo Valley
2022-05-05T22:01:43 42.719 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 960 ms total.
2022-05-05T22:01:51 50.246 INF Calculating world hashes took 266 ms (world size 208 MiB)
2022-05-05T22:01:51 50.794 INF Loading dtm raw file took 814ms
2022-05-05T22:01:52 51.559 INF Biomes image size w= 10240, h = 10240
2022-05-05T22:01:55 54.122 INF Loading and creating biomes took 3327ms
2022-05-05T22:01:57 57.037 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 2915ms
2022-05-05T22:01:59 58.835 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 1798ms
2022-05-05T22:02:04 63.183 INF [DECO] read 222448/
2022-05-05T22:02:07 66.540 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Client
2022-05-05T22:02:07 67.066 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.396 INF createWorld() done
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: Enabled True
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: Distance 2000
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: LCB Only True
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: LCB Buff 6
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: Imposters False
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: MaxRegion 3
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.400 INF Dymesh: MaxItem 6
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.403 INF Dymesh: Prepping dynamic mesh. Resend Default: True
2022-05-05T22:02:10 69.403 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/SavesLocal/F978B407F39C9D4EB20F16D123D267A3/DynamicMeshes/
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.399 INF Dymesh: Warming dynamic mesh
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.399 INF Dymesh: Creating dynamic mesh manager
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.411 INF Dymesh: Awake
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.411 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/SavesLocal/F978B407F39C9D4EB20F16D123D267A3/DynamicMeshes/
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.412 INF Dymesh: Loading Items: C:\Users\THCDe\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/SavesLocal/F978B407F39C9D4EB20F16D123D267A3/DynamicMeshes/
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.505 INF Dymesh: Loaded Items: 173
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.506 INF Client package items: 173
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.506 INF Dymesh: Sending client arrive message. Items: 173
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.506 INF Dymesh: Loading all items took: 0.0937765 seconds.
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.508 INF Clearing queues.
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.508 INF Cleared queues.
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.509 INF Dynamic thread starting
2022-05-05T22:02:11 70.512 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.899 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connection closed: Timeout
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.899 INF [NET] DisconnectedFromServer: Network Timeout
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.901 INF [EOS-ACC] Disconnected from game server
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.902 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.902 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.902 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1
2022-05-05T22:04:17 196.902 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0
2022-05-05T22:04:18 197.295 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
2022-05-05T22:04:18 197.443 WRN No culture info found for given name: cultureInfoName
2022-05-05T22:04:18 197.740 INF Clearing queues.
2022-05-05T22:04:18 197.740 INF Cleared queues.
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.455 INF Clearing queues.
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.455 INF Cleared queues.
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.455 INF Clear LOD Disabled Prefabs
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.459 INF World.Unload
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.490 INF World.Cleanup
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.494 INF Exited thread ChunkRegeneration
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.501 INF Exited thread ChunkCalc
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.501 INF Exited thread ChunkMeshBake
2022-05-05T22:04:19 198.520 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-05-05T22:04:22 201.242 INF Started thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:23 202.478 INF [EOS] Session search filters: ServerVersion:Alpha.20.4., Region=~$#$~northamericaeast, FreePlayerSlots>=1, GameHost:sdg, 
2022-05-05T22:04:23 202.478 INF [EOS] Starting session search with 3 filters
2022-05-05T22:04:29 208.459 INF Exited thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:30 209.445 INF Started thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:31 210.305 INF [EOS] Session search filters: ServerVersion:Alpha.20.4., Region=~$#$~northamericaeast, FreePlayerSlots>=1, GameHost:sdg, 
2022-05-05T22:04:31 210.305 INF [EOS] Starting session search with 3 filters
2022-05-05T22:04:34 213.153 INF Exited thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:38 217.572 WRN [EOS] [LogEOSMessaging - Warning] Lost connection to Stomp on 'wss://api.epicgames.dev/notifications/v1/30b9e9e5f58b4f4e82930b3bef76d9e1/connect' () - will attempt to reconnect after 5.0 seconds. LocalUserId=[000...e17]
2022-05-05T22:04:47 226.824 INF Started thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:49 228.225 INF [EOS] Session search filters: ServerVersion:Alpha.20.4., Region=~$#$~northamericaeast, FreePlayerSlots>=1, GameHost:sdg, 
2022-05-05T22:04:49 228.225 INF [EOS] Starting session search with 3 filters
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/matchmaking/v1/30b9e9e5f58b4f4e82930b3bef76d9e1/filter, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: request failed, libcurl error: 7 (Couldn't connect to server)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 0 (Found bundle for host api.epicgames.dev: 0x20b82ee6660 [can pipeline])
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 1 (  Trying
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 2 (TCP_NODELAY set)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 3 (  Trying ::7fe6:b26c:41:0:77ac:f4d0...)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 4 (TCP_NODELAY set)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 5 (connect to port 443 failed: Timed out)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 6 (After 19476ms connect time, move on!)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 7 (connect to ::7fe6:b26c:41:0:77ac:f4d0 port 443 failed: Timed out)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 8 (Failed to connect to api.epicgames.dev port 443: Timed out)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: libcurl info message cache 9 (Closing connection 2)
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.416 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] Lockout of 3.641224s on https://api.epicgames.dev/matchmaking/v1/30b9e9e5f58b4f4e82930b3bef76d9e1/filter
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.516 INF [EOS] Search took: 21211 ms
2022-05-05T22:04:52 231.521 ERR [EOS] Failed searching sessions on backend: OperationWillRetry
2022-05-05T22:04:56 235.135 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] Retry 1 on https://api.epicgames.dev/matchmaking/v1/30b9e9e5f58b4f4e82930b3bef76d9e1/filter
2022-05-05T22:04:56 235.431 INF [EOS] Session search filters: ServerVersion:Alpha.20.4., Region=~$#$~northamericaeast, FreePlayerSlots>=1, GameHost:sdg, 
2022-05-05T22:04:56 235.431 INF [EOS] Starting session search with 3 filters
2022-05-05T22:04:58 237.338 INF Exited thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-05-05T22:04:58 237.459 INF [GSM] GameSparks Disconnected
2022-05-05T22:04:59 238.263 INF Preparing quit
2022-05-05T22:04:59 238.275 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-05-05T22:04:59 238.276 INF Cleanup
2022-05-05T22:05:03 242.799 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11A2660: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/matchmaking/v1/30b9e9e5f58b4f4e82930b3bef76d9e1/filter, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
2022-05-05T22:05:03 242.799 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11A2660: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.299 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AFD70: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.299 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA070: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.300 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11B14B0: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.300 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AB7B0: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.300 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AA640: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.300 WRN [EOS] [LogHttp - Warning] 0000020CE11AB1E0: request was cancelled
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.305 INF AchievementManager.Cleanup
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.484 INF Terminating threads
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.484 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.486 INF Terminating threads
2022-05-05T22:05:04 243.486 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-05-05T22:05:05 244.112 INF Terminating threads
2022-05-05T22:05:05 244.112 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-05-05T22:05:05 244.113 INF Terminating threads
2022-05-05T22:05:05 244.113 INF OnApplicationQuit
Setting up 8 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 2dd0 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 5c30 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 6a40 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 6b14 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 67ac -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 4d98 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 3160 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 6b54 -> priority: 1 

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Try creating an exlusion in your antivirus software for both the game folder and the saves location. Your connection failed, your game didn't respond to connection attempts. There could be other reasons but antivirus is a common reason.

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