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Game pass, cloud, and the river Styxx


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So, i see that Microsoft has added 7DTD to Game pass ultimate and released it with the cloud gaming option. I stepped away from 7DTD back when Telltale games went under because at the time it was pretty clear that the console versions of the game were even more dead than the zombies. But up to that point in time 7DTD was my favorite game with both my wife and myself putting in hundreds of hours each of play time. But with the fall of TTG and game being critically broken with no hope of repair, we decided that it was best to move on to other things. I have often toyed with the idea of checking to see if there has been any news, but just couldn't bring myself to do it.


So i have a few questions:


Has TFP or any other developer managed to get their hands on the rights to the console versions?


Has any progress been made in repairing the critical breaks in the game?


If still broken, do next gen consoles have any better performance and make the broken bits noticable?


Is the game even playable on the cloud?




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8 hours ago, Thelek said:

Has TFP or any other developer managed to get their hands on the rights to the console versions?

TFP did regain the rights to the assets, but did not get the actual code. They also are not a console developer, and do not have control over the current Sony/Microsoft store assets. 


8 hours ago, Thelek said:

Has any progress been made in repairing the critical breaks in the game?

No. The developer of the current console game went bankrupt. There is no further development possible for the current console release.


8 hours ago, Thelek said:

If still broken, do next gen consoles have any better performance and make the broken bits noticable?

You should see some amount of performance improvement due to the updated hardware with more RAM and faster processing. The difference isn't likely to be huge though. 


8 hours ago, Thelek said:

Is the game even playable on the cloud?

For the PC version, yes. You are not able to play the current PC version on the consoles though. 


Most of this is covered in the active thread already.

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Well, thank you. You pretty much confirmed my suspicions. I went and got my hopes up when i saw it on game pass with the cloud option. I should have known better. Guess  we will wait another 4 years and see what happens then.

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