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I only want ONE feature for A21!


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I think it is a multi pronged problem and yes I am sure it will perform better when it is closer to release.

My amateur thoughts:

Unity may not have been the best game engine choice seems like it has problems with many things moving on screen at once which is essentially a horde or a full street. I am sure at the time of founding the game unity was a great choice, low cost and simple licensing plus allows everything to be destroyed.

Allowing everything to either be dug or destroyed or built upon seems to take a lot of resources for what it is. If the amount of “blocks” that can be built upon or dug or destroyed were 1/10 what it is now I am sure the game would run faster. That change would make the game a lot less unique tho…..

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30fps the standard for? Certainly not for action games on the PC. I still remember the CRT grab when people realized you could run some at 85Hz. Sorry, “30fps is good enough” is as dead as the claim way back that eyes couldn’t see past 30fps.


The input lag at 30fps is double that of 60fps and it makes a tremendous difference in shooters. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a gsync/freesync display, most don’t have a lower sync limit of 30Hz.


The 30Hz era is dead in PC action games and has been for a long time and that’s why you don’t see hardware/software designed around it.

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