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Playing on windows Domain Workaround


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not sure what caused this exactly but I can't play the game anymore since I am on a windows domain (active directory) the game saves the maps in the active directory but tries to load from my local machine and can't find the file but if a make a copy of the active directory files on my local machine with the right path I can play again ie \\server2019\appdata$\User\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie I made a copy of the path on my local machine like so D:\server2019\appdata$\User\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie and can play again

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4 hours ago, Data said:

Ok ill try to help but Im struggling to understand your meaning




are you hosting, or are you connected to a dedicated server?




What do you mean by Windows domain? Are you talking about your computer?


Data, active directory is a business feature used in a number of different ways to organize multiple computers into a group called a domain.   Think of it like a club or gang of computers.    The active directory handles authentication(logon) and what accounts are allowed ot log in and NOT log in so that one source, the people who work on the active directory server with permissions and turn on/off who has access to what in the network.   ONE feature of active directory is saving data from the local machine to a server so that if you moved to a different workstation tomorrow, you have access to that same data regardless of which machine you are on.    This is kind of the precursor the cloud services such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc but on super duper steroids because it does soo much more than that.


The OP likely needs to talk to his companies IT department.  


I know enough about the subject ot know I don't know enough about the subject.   There are literally certifications and classes on how to setup, configure, manage, and troubleshoot active directory, so it's quite likely no one who does not have said intimate knowledge of active directory will be able to assist.    My question is why are they playing on a work computer.




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