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Loot stage question.


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I was looking at this page: https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Looting

and wondering if the chart on the page is correct. The chart makes sense until about loot stage 185 or so, at that point a higher loot stage decrease the chance of tier 3 items dropping. And at about loot stage 220, tier 1 and 2 items have a higher chance to drop than tier 3 items. The chance for tier 3 items to drop rises back up to be greater than tier 1 and 2 items later on, but never gets as high as it was at earlier loot stages.


So, just curious if I'm reading the chart wrong, if the chart itself is wrong, or if there is some weird reason why having a higher loot stage would decrease the ratio of tier 3 items dropping compared to tier 1 and 2.

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That image was added in July, 2021 so it is likely out of date. However the loot probability tables are also a bit out of whack and TFP are aware. Edit: this was taken care of in A20.1. Schwanz9000 (TFP dev) replied to a thread in January saying he had new prob curves for A20.1 and the new "ProbT2Cap" curve for items (like books) which don't really have a Tier 3 progression. That's all in there with A20.1 so I think the current curves are what we're going to get. Or at least they make some sense, unlike the ones that A20.0 had.


I'll run that graph on the current probability tiers and post back here. Not worth updating the wiki with it, since it'll be fluid until TFP fixes it all up.

Edited by Boidster (see edit history)
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This is what it looks like now. A thread a few weeks ago discussed a potential problem with at least T2 going to zero, since some books fall into T2 and you might still be hunting for them late in the game. Gazz (I think) acknowledged in that thread that the whole probability template thing needed a workover. What's in there now is a stopgap.


Edit: it was Schwanz9000 in the thread from January, and he fixed it for A20.1. What is pictured below is the fixed version.


I have a tiny modlet which keeps a very small % for T2 going for all higher lootstages.




It's important to note that these values are always used relative to each other, they are not absolute percentages. So for example if you are at lootstage 52-ish, you have a roughly equal chance (50% or so each) to get a T0 or a T1 result. Both items in the loot list may calculate out to 0.28, but that's not equivalent to a 28% chance. Since they are both 0.28, the way the loot engine works they have equal odds of being selected.


I'm working on a mod which fully instruments the loot engine and dumps the results and all RNG checks into the log. Still a week or two out from it being usable, but it might be useful for any of us interested in peeking inside the black box.

Edited by Boidster (see edit history)
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Yeah, it would be nice if Wiki authors would tag all of their updates with the alpha release they used. Especially anything so specific as a probability chart. Lost of people just use the Wiki to append their favorite YouTube video explaining something. Not super helpful and turns Wiki into Pinterest.

Edited by Boidster (see edit history)
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