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Over 10K


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I would like to be able to create very, huge, over 10K worlds. What is the current limit and I would like to be able select worlds. If that lot makes any senese. I have plenty of ram, 64 GG of the stuff, loading not a problem twin ssd's and the rest can cope well as it takes my system about 8 1/2 minutes from start to finish when creating a new 10k world.

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I have noticed not just in the 16K map but the internal upto 10k maps is that there is, sometimes, bad placement with that I mean trees in the middle of roads, gardens extending onto roads. So, back to the normal 10K maps

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11 hours ago, Phil said:

KingGen world genrator

KingGen hasn't been updated for A20. We've been able to generate 15k worlds with the dedi. 16k fails though.

In your game folder you can edit your serverconfig.xml to create a world size of 15360, then run the startdedicated.bat

file. It will generate the world, and after you shutdown the server, you will be able to start a new game using the

generated 15k world. World sizes need to be a multiple of 1024.

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10 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

KingGen hasn't been updated for A20. We've been able to generate 15k worlds with the dedi. 16k fails though.

In your game folder you can edit your serverconfig.xml to create a world size of 15360, then run the startdedicated.bat

file. It will generate the world, and after you shutdown the server, you will be able to start a new game using the

generated 15k world. World sizes need to be a multiple of 1024.

I managed to get the 16k map working, according that gen it is/was built for 19.6


My memory concumption, when first run, is at about 16 gig.



EDIT and UPDATE: I think that it might be a good idea to revert back to the builtin generator. To be safe even though I have not run into any problems, yet.

Edited by Phil (see edit history)
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Just tried KingGen again for a 10K World. A strange this happened, one house was sunk in the ground at least 4 blocks deep, with vertical walls in it's own little piece of the World. Hmmmmm

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