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NPCMod and Addons


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9 hours ago, magejosh said:

I downloaded the a21 version from the repo, and the dialogs.xml threw an error about a journal entry minevent not found. Was one line so I commented it out and it seems to load fine. Not sure what that breaks though. I assume not much of consequence if it's just a journal entry though.

I think its this line ` <!-- <action type="AddJournalEntry" id="questTip" /> -->`


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15 hours ago, Zackhron said:


What version of SCore are you using? I tried the latest but too many errors with SCore and I can't enter the world at all.

So when you go to the github repo you will see a button that says master. This is the branch that you are viewing of the repository. If you click it, you will see an option for 1.0e, which is the version you want to be running with. XVgjxO8.pnggaPWosT.png

14 hours ago, xyth said:

I think its this line ` <!-- <action type="AddJournalEntry" id="questTip" /> -->`


That was indeed the culprit. Haven't messed with NPCs yet, as I just needed a version so i could load a guppy mod that extends from it to check it out. Let me know when you are ready for stress testing on a low end pc.

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  • xyth changed the title to NPCMod and Addons

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