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Sledge Turrets Missing


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Over the course of two RWG maps, I have had two sledge turrets disappear from my base.  One was on my horde base and the second was within my home base.  Both bases were LCB'd and no-one had been and lifted them. Then this evening I had another player join our chat to say that he had lost his sledge turret.  Has anyone else experienced a turret disappearing and if this is a known issue?



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16 hours ago, Star69 said:

I've read of this happening in A20 and most everyone has said they dropped through the floor or ground. Supposedly if you dig down or use god mode go below the ground and you should find them.

Thanks, but I've just been to look for both turrets that have gone missing using god mode without any joy.  Maybe its just one of those things that we can't leave laying around the house any more!

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